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Where can you buy Pokemon Base sets?

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I have a question. does anyone know if you can still order the base set booster sets off of any website?


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Hi Kdogg!

Well they stopped producing Base Set Booster Packs a long time ago. So now the only way to buy them is from auction sites like Ebay.

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Another good place to get old school booster packs is CardMarket.

This site should be good for Europeans too!

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I think Pokerev is selling some as well or at least you have a chance of getting them through his pokecave mystery bags.

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You can also find a few amazon sellers selling the old WOTC cards. I've seen base set charizard and blastoise on there. But hard to tell the condition of them since most of them use stock photos.

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kdogg wrote:

I have a question. does anyone know if you can still order the base set booster sets off of any website?


Yes, you can still find the base set booster sets for various trading card games on many websites. Popular options include online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, and specialized card game retailers. However, availability may vary depending on the game and the specific set you're looking for, so it's a good idea to check multiple sources and compare prices. Additionally, some sets might be considered vintage or rare, which could affect their availability and price.