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MapleLand releases Orbis in MapleStory Worlds!

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Not sure if you guys have been following the MapleStory Worlds scene, but Maple Land (a recreation of MapleStory Classic) has just released the Orbis area.

It includes El Nath, but no 3rd job advancement currently.

Already seeing people training at Zombies; Clerics are gonna make so much mesos!

Do you think Maple Land will release an English version?

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I'm sure it will come to NA in the future. Last I heard it was second half of 2024.

Orbis and El Nath are really interesting to watch people grind when they still in 2nd job.

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Did this game die? I don’t see anyone streaming it much on twitch anymore
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Nah, this has to do with Twitch's ban on South Korean streamers. They've all moved over to other platforms like YouTube.

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Okay that’s good then! I’m still hoping out this is coming to GMS. Do you have any idea when?