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Grandfrog's Gazebo World 1 Dungeon - IdleOn

February 7, 2025

The World 1 Party Dungeon in Idleon is called Grandfrog's Gazebo, where you can party up with other players to take down the giant Grandfrogger.

Party Dungeons can be great ways to boost your early-game damage by boosting your stats, unlocking new equipment and buying special Star Talents from the Flurbo shop.

This guide will show you how to complete the Grandfrog's Gazebo dungeon!

Check out our Dungeons Guide for how Dungeon's work in Idleon.

Grandfrog's Gazebo Dungeon

Enter Dungeon

The Grandfrog's Gazebok Dungeon can be entered with up to 10 other players. If you're looking for a party to enter with, it's best to play the Party Dungeons during Happy Hour, as you get bonus rewards and it's a lot easier to find a party at that time.

You have 10 minutes to complete the dungeon. You'll get a reward when the timer ends based on how far you have progressed.

Dungeon Overview

Upon entering, you'll notice a giant boiling pot in the middle of the map.

Dungeon HutDungeon HutDungeon Hut

You'll also notice several huts around the pot; if you attack them, you'll be able to destroy them and mobs will spawn.

Your objective is to defeat the small mobs so that they drop their common monster drop. You then need to drop these items onto the cauldron (just drop the item from your Inventory onto the pot); doing so will remove the item requirement from the cauldron and also summon more mobs of the same type as the item you dropped.

Each mob will have a chance to drop the corresponding next monster's item drop. You are not guaranteed the drop, so there is the chance that you fail to collect the required items. Improving your drop rate chance via items and dungeon skills can help with this.

Dungeon Shop

You'll also earn money from defeating mobs. You can spend this money in the shop (click the NPC Toadstool) inside the dungeon for various upgrades like new weapons, boosts and enhancements. All of these stats and items reset on each Dungeon run.

You can unlock better equipment and RNG Item orbs by spending your Dungeon Credits outside of the dungeon in the Dungeon Credit Shop.


Once all items on the Cauldron have been successfully dropped into it, the Grandfrogger boss will summon. Defeating it yields lots of Dungeon Credits, Flurbos and other items inside the dungeon.

There are four Grandfrog Bosses you'll need to defeat.

If you defeat all the mobs available in the dungeon and still don't have enough materials to summon the Grandfrogger, you can chop the tree and it will occaisionally spawn a monster too.

You'll need the following items for each Grandfrog Boss:

Image Boss Items Required HP
Grandfrogger Grandfrogger Dungeon Monster Dropx15, Dungeon Monster Dropx5, Dungeon Monster Dropx1 700 HP
Grandfrogger Boss 2 Rotting Grandfrogger Dungeon Monster Dropx12, Dungeon Monster Dropx5, Dungeon Monster Dropx2, Dungeon Monster Dropx1 17,500 HP
Grandfrogger Boss 2 Forlorn Grandfrogger Dungeon Monster Dropx8, Dungeon Monster Dropx7, Dungeon Monster Dropx4, Dungeon Monster Dropx3, Dungeon Monster Dropx1 350,000 HP
Grandfrogger Boss 2 Vengeful Grandfrogger Dungeon Monster Dropx30 1,400,000 HP

When you defeat the 3rd Grandfrogger (Forlorn Grandfrogger), new huts will appear that will spawn a new monster called Eldritch Croaker that drops the spike item.

That's it! As you rank up in Dungeons, you'll gain access to more powerful weapons and skills, as well as improve your dungeon stats, allowing you to progress further each time you run the dungeon.

Grandfrog Gazebo Mobs

Below are the different mobs that spawn in Grandfrog Gazebo Dungeon.

Image Name HP Drop Drop Rate
Frog Frog 6 Dungeon Monster Drop 40%
Purple Frog Poisonic Frog 15 Dungeon Monster Drop 31%
Blue Frog Gigafrog 55 Dungeon Monster Drop 28%
Green Frog Globohopper 125 Dungeon Monster Drop 22%
Yellow Frog King Frog 400 Dungeon Monster Drop 19%
Red Frog Lava Slimer 1,300 Dungeon Monster Drop 16%
White Frog Chromatium Frog 4,500 Dungeon Monster Drop 12.5%
Dino Frog Eldritch Croaker 20,000 Dungeon Monster Drop 17%

Grandfrog's Gazebo Achievements

The following World 1 Achievements are available for this dungeon:

Some achievements can only be claimed by playing on the Steam version.

Icon Achievement Description Rewards Steam Exclusive
Achievement Dungeon Pinch Deal 100 or more damage in a single hit in any party dungeon. +1% Class EXP bonus for all characters -
Achievement Big Frog Angry Defeat Grandfrogger on his 1st Difficulty. +2% Total DMG for all characters outside of dungeons. -
Achievement 2 minute meal Spawn Grandfrogger within 2 minutes of entering the dungeon. +3% Class EXP for all characters -
Achievement Big Frog Furious Defeat Grandfrogger on his 2nd difficulty. +3% Total DMG for all characters outside of dungeons -
Achievement Big Frog Big Sad Defeat Grandfrogger on his 3rd Difficulty. +5% Total DMG for all characters outside of dungeons -
Achievement Big Frog Big Mad Defeat Grandfrogger on his 4th Difficulty, and avoid becoming one with the soup... +5% Total DMG for all characters outside of dungeons -


Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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