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Dewdrop Colosseum World 1 - IdleOn

February 7, 2025

Dewdrop Colosseum is the World 1 Colosseum in Idleon, allowing you to take on waves of monsters for rewards depending on your final score.

You can find the Dewdrop Colosseum in Froggy Fields of W1.

Colosseum TicketColosseum TicketColosseum Ticket

Speak to NPC Typhoon to receive 1 Ticket per day. He will store up to 3 tickets at a time, so you can claim tickets every 3 days without losing any.

How Colosseums Work


Each Colosseum in Idleon requires a number of Colosseum Tickets to enter. In World 1, the Dewdrop Colosseum requires 1 Ticket to enter.

Mob Waves

Upon entering, the first wave of monsters will spawn. They will drop the same items as they normally would out in the wild and give the same EXP.

Upon defeating the first wave, the next wave will spawn. You have a total of 5 minutes to defeat all waves to complete the Colosseum.

colosseum ui

You can press the Next button to spawn up to 5 waves at once. This can help with powering through the Colosseum when your damage is very high.

The faster you kill the mobs, the higher your score multiplier will become. The score multiplier will decrease slowly if you do not defeat enemies.

On the final wave, a mini-boss will spawn, again dropping the same items it would as if found in the wild.

Treasure Chests

Once you complete the Colosseum, or your time runs out, you'll be rewarded with Treasure Chests that you can open. The number of Treasure Chests that spawn is based on your total Colosseum score.

Dewdrop Colosseum Monster Waves

You have 5 minutes to complete all waves for Dewdrop Colosseum. There are a total of 15 waves to defeat.

Wave Monsters
Wave 1 Green Mushroomx6
Wave 2 Frogx10
Wave 3 Green Mushroomx6 Bored Beanx10
Wave 4 Frogx5 Bored Beanx6 Red Mushroomx10
Wave 5 Slime x25
Wave 6 Baby Boax12Baby Boax8
Wave 7 Carrot Manx14
Wave 8 Glublinx16
Wave 9 Wode Boardx18
Wave 10 Gigafrogx12 Frogx28
Wave 11 Walking Stickx14 Baby Boax8
Wave 12 Nuttox16
Wave 13 Poopx20
Wave 14 Ratx15 Poopx11
Wave 15 Walking Stickx12 Wode Boardx10 Red Mushroomx6 Baba Yagax1

Dewdrop Colosseum Treasure Chests

Depending on your final Colosseum score, you'll get a number of Treasure Chests that give items when opened. Below you can find the items you can potentially get inside each Treasure Chest.

The amount of Treasure Chests you get is based on your score. Once you reach that score limit, the chest will spawn.

Score Chest Notes
0 Bronze ChestBronze Chest  
10,000 Bronze ChestBronze Chest  
10,000 Silver Chest Silver Chest  
50,000 Gold Chest Gold Chest Must complete all 15 waves
160,000 Silver Chest Silver Chest  
200,000 Gold Chest Gold Chest Must complete all 15 waves
320,000 Bronze ChestBronze Chest  
450,000 Gold Chest Gold Chest Must complete all 15 waves

Bronze Chest Drop Table

Bronze ChestBronze ChestBronze Chest

You can get a total of 3 Bronze Chests from the Dewdrop Colosseum.

Image Item Drop Rate Amount
COIN.png Coin 1 in 1 100
PremiumGem.png Gem 1 in 20 1
StoneW1.png Weapon Upgrade Stone I 1 in 40 1
StoneA1.png Armor Upgrade Stone I 1 in 11 1
OakTree.png Oak Logs 1 in 2 40
Copper.png Copper Ore 1 in 2 30
CopperBar.png Copper Bar 1 in 5 20
SmithingRecipes1.png Copper Band (Recipe) 1 in 125 27
FoodHealth1.png Nomwich 1 in 4 10
FoodPotMana1.png Small Mana Potion 1 in 10 5
EquipmentHats5.png White Headband 1 in 100 1
EquipmentPants10.png Give Up On Life Pants 1 in 50 1
StampB3.png Anvil Zoomer Stamp 1 in 833 1
Quest24.png Cloudsound Follower 1 in 2 3
ObolBronze0.png Bronze STR Obol 1 in 893 1
Trophy2.png Lucky Lad 1 in 833,333 1
SilverPen.png Silver Pen 1 in 3,571 1
TalentBook1.png Roll Da Dice (Special Talent Book) 1 in 2,500 1
ResetFrag.png Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 2,500 1
TalentBook1.png Attacks On Simmer (Special Talent Book) 1 in 2,500 1
FoodG4.png Golden Nomwich 1 in 500 1
StoneZ1.png Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 294 2
ObolSilverMoney.png Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 8,190 1
ObolSilverDamage.png Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 7,926 1
ObolGold3.png Gold LUK Obol 1 in 16,380 1
Key1.png Forest Villa Key 1 in 25 1

Silver Chest Drop Table

Silver ChestSilver ChestSilver Chest

You can get a total of 2 Silver Chests from the Dewdrop Colosseum.

Image Item Drop Rate Amount
COIN.png Coin 1 in 1 400
PremiumGem.png Gem 1 in 8 1
EquipmentHats17.png Copper Helmet 1 in 50 1
StoneW2.png Weapon Upgrade Stone II 1 in 25 1
StoneA2.png Armor Upgrade Stone II 1 in 10 1
FoodG4.png Golden Nomwich 1 in 2 1
Iron.png Iron Ore 1 in 2 50
CopperBar.png Copper Bar 1 in 3 50
Key1.png Forest Villa Key 1 in 10 1
JungleTree.png Jungle Logs 1 in 3 15
BirchTree.png Bleach Logs 1 in 10 25
FoodHealth3.png Hot Dog 1 in 3 15
EquipmentStatues1.png Power Statue 1 in 8 1
FoodPotGr1.png Small Speed Potion 1 in 10 5
FoodPotOr2.png Average Strength Potion 1 in 5 10
rtt0.png Bottled Town Teleport 1 in 50 1
EquipmentShirts21.png Tattered Cloth 1 in 100 1
Quest21.png Time Thingy 1 in 3 1
Quest24.png Cloudsound Follower 1 in 2 4
ObolBronze1.png Bronze AGI Obol 1 in 893 1
Trophy2.png Lucky Lad 1 in 740,741 1
SilverPen.png Silver Pen 1 in 3,175 1
TalentBook1.png Roll Da Dice (Special Talent Book) 1 in 2,222 1
ResetFrag.png Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 2,222 1
TalentBook1.png Attacks On Simmer (Special Talent Book) 1 in 2,222 1
FoodG4.png Golden Nomwich 1 in 444 1
StoneZ1.png Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 261 2
ObolSilverMoney.png Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 7,280 1
ObolSilverDamage.png Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 7,045 1
ObolGold3.png Gold LUK Obol 1 in 14,560 1

Gold Chest Drop Table

Gold Chest Gold Chest Gold Chest

You can get a total of 3 Gold Chests from the Dewdrop Colosseum.

Image Item Drop Rate Amount
COIN.png Coin 1 in 1 1250
PremiumGem.png Gem 1 in 3 1
PremiumGem.png Gem 1 in 1 1
FoodG1.png Golden Jam 1 in 2 1
IronBar.png Iron Bar 1 in 10 15
Gold.png Gold Ore 1 in 10 20
ToiletTree.png Potty Rolls 1 in 2 50
Key1.png Forest Villa Key 1 in 6 1
StumpTree.png Veiny Logs 1 in 2 50
EquipmentShirts12.png Iron Platebody 1 in 25 1
FoodHealth2.png Cheezy Pizza 1 in 2 15
EquipmentStatues5.png Health Statue 1 in 8 1
SmithingRecipes1.png Copper Band (Recipe) 1 in 20,000 39
FoodPotMana2.png Average Mana Potion 1 in 4 10
StoneT2.png Tool Upgrade Stone II 1 in 33 1
rtt0.png Bottled Town Teleport 1 in 20 1
Quest24.png Cloudsound Follower 1 in 2 6
ObolBronze2.png Bronze WIS Obol 1 in 893 1
Trophy2.png Lucky Lad 1 in 666,667 1
SilverPen.png Silver Pen 1 in 2,857 1
TalentBook1.png Roll Da Dice (Special Talent Book) 1 in 2,000 1
ResetFrag.png Talent Point Reset Fragment 1 in 2,000 1
TalentBook1.png Attacks On Simmer (Special Talent Book) 1 in 2,000 1
FoodG4.png Golden Nomwich 1 in 400 1
StoneZ1.png Mystery Upgrade Stone I 1 in 235 2
ObolSilverMoney.png Silver Obol of Pocket Change 1 in 6,552 1
ObolSilverDamage.png Silver Obol of Little Damage 1 in 6,341 1
ObolGold3.png Gold LUK Obol 1 in 13,104 1

Dewdrop Colosseum Achievements

The following W1 achievements are available for participating in the Dewdrop Colosseum.

Icon Achievement Description Rewards Steam Exclusive
Achievement Colosseum Contender Get a score of 25,000 or more in the Dewdrop Colosseum. RNG Item Unlock -
Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Idleon. We are not affiliated with Idleon or its associated retailers in any way.


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