Flower Shrines are special statues that require a Forest Tear monster to activate them. The Shrines usually reward Kena with Gems that can be used to purchase Rot Hats.
Check out our Rot Hat Locations guide for cool hats you can have your Rot wear!
The guide will show you all the locations for each Flower Shrine and how to activate all the Forest Tears needed to cleanse each Shrine.
The Village

Use the map above to get an idea of where the Flower Shrines are located in the Village location.
Flower Shrine #9
Requirements: Bow

There is a tree near one of the houses on the path to Taro's Tree that has a Crystal embedded in it. Shoot it with an Arrow and it will create a Forest Tear for you. Then take the Forest Tear monster up the path to the Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #10

Get Spirit Mail #4 to unlock a house south of The Village. Inside you'll find a Forest Tear; take the monster back outside and the Flower Shrine is on the opposite side of the house.
Flower Shrine #11

In the area before entering the Storehouse, you'll come across a dirt field where you'll have to fight a few mobs. Once you've defeated them, a Forest Tear will spawn. Use it to take across the map to find the Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #20

After using Spirit Mail #7 to unlock the house in the Village, you'll need to use a Forest Tear to clear the Deadzone Weeds from houses. You'll also find a Flower Shrine just outside one of the houses to cleanse.
Flower Shrine #21

There is a Flower Shrine just before you enter Hunter's Path. You can use the Forest Tear found all the way back at the path towards Taro's Tree (the same one you used for Flower Shrine #9)
Flower Shrine #22

After defeating the Warrior Boss, you can swim off the Village Docks and towards the center is a Forest Tear. You can stand on the edge of the water and use it to cleanse the Flower Shrine just a short way away.
Flower Shrine #23

In Mask Maker's Path, after you find one of Toshi's Memories, there is a clearing with a Forest Tear. Take it up the path on your left and you'll find a Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #24

In Hunter's Path, just before crossing the bridge to the area where you fight Hunter Boss, there is a Flower Shrine hidden around one of the corners near a broken bridge.
Taro's Tree

You can use the map above to get a general idea of where the Flower Shrines are located in Taro's Tree.
Flower Shrine #1


The first Flower Shrine can be found just before entering Taro's Tree area. There is a quick battle and a Forest Tear appears in the middle of the area; look to your left to find the Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #2
Requirements: Bow

The second Flower Shrine in Taro's Tree can be got by hitting the illuminated crystal nearby the shrine. Follow the Crystal's path and it will lead you to the Forest Tear, which you then need to drag across the forest area towards the shrine.
Rusu Mountain

Use the map above for the locations of where the Flower Shrines are in Rusu Mountain.
Flower Shrine #3

When you find Taro's first memory on the path to Rusu's Mountain, it creates a Forest Tear for you. Use it to destroy some nearby Deadzone Weeds on your left and you'll find the Flower Shrine down the path.
Flower Shrine #4

In the area where Rusu gives you Archery Lessons, there is a Crystal in a tree; hit it with your Bow and it will produce a Forest Tear. The Flower Shrine is near one of Rusu's Archery lessons next to some hay.
Flower Shrine #5

Just behind Rusu's house is a cave that leads to a giant owl statue with a crystal embedded. Hit it with an arrow to create a Forest Tear. Then on your left is some Deadzone Weed which you can destroy; follow the cave round until you come to the Flower Shrine.
Forgotten Forest

Use the map above for the locations of where the Flower Shrines are in Forgotten Forest.
Flower Shrine #6

Complete the Water Shrine task in Forgotten Forest to activate the Forest Tear.
Use the Forest Tear to clear away the Deadzone Weeds just in front of the shrine to reveal a large square block.
Use your Rot to move the block just next to the Teleport Warp. Climb up and then use your Rot to move the gate blocking the path. You can now use your Forest Tear to climb up the path and along the fallen tree to find the Flower Shrine at the end of it.
Flower Shrine #7

At the top of the God Tree Shrine, there is a Teleport Flower. Use it and make your way around the tree; jump onto the roof and use your Rot to move the Bucket so that a Forest Tear drops out.
Now head to the wooden elevator; you need to shoot the elevator crystal, then summon the Forest Tear and move it quickly onto the elevator before it goes down. You have about 4 seconds to do this.
At the bottom of the Elevator is the Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #8

In the area just before you go down to the Lantern Cave, use the Forest Tear to wipe away the Deadzone Weeds to reveal the Flower Shrine in a cave.

Use this map to get an idea for the location of each Flower Shrine in the Fields area.
Flower Shrine #12

Inside the Tower there is an area where a Flower Tear and a bridge that can be made passable by throwing a bomb at some glowing rocks. Once the bridge is passable, use the Forest Tear to move to the right of the room and find the Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #13

After defeating the Stone Guardian at the Forge house, you can create a Forest Tear inside the house and use it to cleanse the Flower Shrine outside.
Flower Shrine #15

You can use the Forest Tear near the house with the Pumpkin patch to cleanse the Flower Shrine at the north of the map.
Flower Shrine #16

If you go to the area where you cleansed the Deadzone Weed from the Watchtower, there is a Forest Tear you can use to cleanse a Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #17

These is a Forest Tear you can make at the Fields teleport marker by a house. You can then take the Forest Tear all the way down the path towards the Forge Path area and behind a house is the Flower Shrine.
Flower Shrine #18

The path that takes you towards Forge and Forge Path, there is a house full of Deadzone Weed and you can create a Forest Tear by jumping into the house via Teleport Flower and finding a Bucket in the roof. Pour it out and create the Forest Tear outside the house and then cleanse the Flower Shrine in the same area.
Flower Shrine #19

Take the Forest Tear at Rufus' Barn and drag it all the way outside the area towards the entrance and find the Flower Shrine.
Village Heart
Flower Shrine #14
In the area where your fight the Rot Eater boss, there is a Flower Shrine nearby in the cave.