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Cassette Beasts - Battle System

May 3, 2023

Cassette Beasts revolves around it's turn-based battle system and this guide will give you an overview of all the different mechanics you need to be aware of.

Most battles in Cassette Beasts will be 2v2; each team can have up to 6 monsters in their party and they can be switched out at any time by sacrificing a turn.

There are two types of battles; random encounters and ranger battles.

Random Encounters require you to touch the randomly spawned Cassette Beast monsters on the overworld map. You can sneak past most of them, especially if you have dash. There are also items in the game that allow you to repel random encounters.

You'll also face many different rangers; these are NPCs that have a squad of monsters to battle you. When you walk into their direction eyesight, the battle will automatically initiate.

Battle UI Overview

Cassette Beasts Battle System

1 - These are your battle actions. When its your turn, you can choose from Fight, Switch, Item, Flee, Record.

Fight - Allows you to select from any of the abilities your monster has learned. They are called "Stickers", which you can change via the party menu.

Switch - Change out your current monster for another in your party.

Item - Use an item in battle.

Flee - Attempt to run away, not always successful.

Record - This is how you capture new Cassette Beasts. It requires you to have a Cassette Tape item in your inventory.

2 - Your Health Bars

You have two health bars. One of the health bars is that of your active monster, indicated by the green color.

The other health bar is the health of yourself. If you lose all your health, it's game over, even if you have active monsters still in your party. You only get damaged when your monster is defeated in battle, and then a second attack hits you before you get a chance to summon a new monster.

3 - AP System

The battle system works on an Ability Points system. Each turn you get 2 AP by default. You can then consume your AP by selecting powerful attacks that drain it. Some moves don't require much AP to use, allowing you to build up your AP Bar for more powerful attacks.

When selecting a skill from the Fight Menu, you'll see which moves consume AP and by how much.

4 - Status Effects

When you fight other monsters, your depending on the move's type, you can inflict Status Effects. For example, when Fire attacks an Air type monster, the Air monster gains an Air Wall buff.

Learning the different Cassette Beast types and their effects when attacking will help you master Cassette Beasts, especially for the more important fights to come.

5 - Monster Type

There are 14 different types in Cassette Beasts and each monster is assigned a single type. Some monsters can change type mid-battle using special moves and others have rare "Bootleg" versions, which are monsters with a different type than it's default.

6 - Capture Mark

This mark indicates whether you have captured the monster you are facing yet.

Battle Moves and AP


An attack can either be Melee or Ranged.

When using a Melee attack, you make direct contact with your enemy; in some instances, making direct contact can cause a Status Effect to be applied to you.

There are many different Status Effects you'll want to be aware of. Luckily, every time a new Status Effect is applied in game, you get a mini-tutorial to let you know what it does.

For some fights, like Archangels, when their AP fills up to max, they will unleash a super powerful attack. It is always good to build up a nice defense when facing these kind of attacks.



Fusion is a special mechanic that can happen in Battle.

When you fight alongside a friend, you will form relationship bonds with them. Completing quests, taking down bosses and more increase the relationship status.

Then, when in battle, you'll be given the option to fuse the two Cassette Beast monsters together.

When fused, they will transform into a new monster; you'll gain all attacks from the previous monsters and get some stat boosts to go along with it. Using Fusion can really help turn the tide of a battle!


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Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.

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