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Blizzian - #081

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Standard Potential
Potent Potential
Perfect Potential

The beak, wings, tail and claws of a Blizzian are made of a feather which resembles tempered ice. But it cannot melt, even in the hottest weather.

Ice Ice

Blizzian's Base Stats

StatBase Stat%
Sp. Attack182
Sp. Defense176

Blizzian's Evolution Line






Where to find Blizzian?

Fresia Pass
Fresia Pass
Frozen Cavern
Frozen Cavern

Blizzian's Skills

IconSkillDescriptionUnlocks At
ClawClawAttack with sharp claws, with a {sideEffectChance}% chance to lower the target's Defense.Level 1
Frost WebFrost WebTrap the target in an ice cold web, lowering its Speed by 2 stages. Has a {sideEffectChance}% chance to Freeze the target.Level 5
Dirty SnowDirty SnowThrows dirty snow at the target, dealing damage and making the target Hazy.Level 9
PeckPeckAttack the target with a sharp beak. The user also steals a Fruit if the target is holding any.Level 15
PermafrostPermafrostAn icy bolt damages the target. Has a {sideEffectChance}% chance to Freeze the target.Level 23
Ice WallIce WallThe user raises an ice cold wall for 3 rounds. Attackers making contact with the wall will Freeze. This move always goes last.Level 29
Frost FeathersFrost FeathersSurround the target in sharp cold feathers, dealing damage and lowering Speed by 1 stage. Has a {sideEffectChance}% chance to make the target bleed.Level 36
MistMistThe user surrounds itself with cleansing mist, preventing negative stat changes for 5 rounds.Level 40
Power TalonsPower TalonsStab the foe with charged talons, depleting the target's SP by 7.Level 43
Shattering ClawShattering ClawDamage the target with a {sideEffectChance}% chance to Freeze. If the target is already frozen, this move will have 100% Critical Hit Chance.Level 46
Sharp SnowballSharp SnowballThrow a ball of snow and ice, dealing damage and increasing the user's Critical Hit Chance by 1 stage.Level 49
Icy NailsIcy NailsLay a field of icy spikes around the target, creating an Ice type entry hazard that damages opposing Coromon being sent into battle by 10% of their maximum HP.Level 50
Soul CrushSoul CrushCrush the target's soul, draining its will to fight. Deals damage and lowers the target's Sp. Attack by 1 stage.Level 53
Clearing WindClearing WindA clearing wind sweeps across the battlefield, dealing damage to the target and removing all [weather.plural] and entry hazards.Level 56
Pinion SlicePinion SliceThe user sharpens their wing with ice before swinging for massive damage.Level 60

Blizzian's Traits

IntelligentThe Coromon uses its knowledge to increase its Evasion by 25% when battling wild Coromon.30%
Glacial AffinityFor every other Ice type Coromon on their team, this Coromon Skills deal 10% extra damage.25%
Cool BodyThe Coromon embraces the cold, increasing its Defense by 20%. Does not work in a Heatwave.25%
SnowmanThe Coromon rebuilds itself using Snow, restoring 5% HP after every round when Snow is falling.20%
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