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Sea Of Stars Quiz Master - All Question Pack Locations, Questions and Answers

October 4, 2023

In Sea Of Stars you can play a mini game called Quiz Master in the Town Of Lucent by answering questions from Question Pack items found throughout the world. This guide will show you how to access the Quizmaster mini game, the location of all Question Packs and all the answers to every question!

Completing all Question Packs will reward you with a Flimsy Hammer.

The Quiz Master Mini Game can be unlocked as soon as you gain the Grappler ability. It is located in the Town Of Lucent.

How To Find The Quiz Master Game - Turbo Cookie Location

Turbo Cookie

In order to unlock the Quiz Master Game, head to the Town Of Lucent. In the top-left corner of the village, you'll find a strange person who is asking for a Turbo Cookie item.


To find the Turbo Cookie, head to the bridge on the right of the town and climb up onto the edge of it.


Use your Grappler to grapple over to behind the houses in Town Of Lucent.


You can then grapple onto the roof of the Town Of Lucent Inn and head inside to a hidden room.

Turbo cookie

Inside you'll find the Turbo Cookie.


Return back to the strange person in the Town Of Lucent and give him the Turbo Cookie. A short battle ensues. Once defeated, search the grave nearby to obtain the Shed Key.

Shed Key

Now head to the right side of the Town Of Lucent, across the bridge, to find a shed. Use your newly acquired Shed Key to gain access to the Quiz Master Game.

All Question Pack Locations

There are a total of 11 Question Packs in Sea Of Stars. The first Question Pack is given to you automatically when you play the Quiz Master, so you need to find a total of 10 Question packs.

Question Pack #1 is given by default.

Here are their locations:

Question Pack #2 Location

Question Pack #2

The Question Pack #2 can be found in the Port Town Of Brisk by winning Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette game.


You can find the correct number by speaking to a man outside his house who will give it you for 90 G.

Question Pack #3 Location

Dweller Of Woe

Question Pack #3 can be found in the Haunted Mansion on Wraith Island. Head to the library and interact with a bookcase to find it.

Question Pack #4 Location

Jungle Path

Head to Jungle Path to find Question Pack #4. Near the beginning of the level, head to the left side and swim in the sea to find a Treasure Chest containing it.

Question Pack #5 Location

Songshroom Marsh

Head to Songshroom Marsh to find a Treasure Chest that contains Question Pack #5. This is located near Yomara's House, just after you head through her locked door to the marsh.

Question Pack #6 Location

Cloud Kingdom

Head inside the Inn of Cloud Kingdom to find Question Pack #6.

Question Pack #7 Location

Cerulean Expanse

Head to the Cerulean Expanse and follow this path: Bottom-Middle, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right, Bottom-Middle and you'll come to an Oasis with four Treasure Chests, one of them containing the Question Pack #7.

Question Pack #8 Location

Sky Base

Question Pack #8 can be found in Sky Base near the Elevator on the second floor in a Treasure Chest.

Question Pack #9 Location


Collect all Data Strips and create the Cypher in Repine. You can then use this to unlock a door in the Merchant's house to find a Question Pack #9.

Question Pack #10 Location


Question Pack 10 can be found in The Fleshmancer's Lair. Just before you go fight the final boss, you can find a small side room near the red teleporter.

Question Pack 10

Inside you'll find a Treasure Chest containing Question Pack #10.

Question Pack #11 Location

Dinner With Garl

You need to complete The Golden Pelican sidequest to gain Question Pack #11.

All Questions and Answers for Quiz Master

Quiz Master

When you play the Quiz Master mini-game in Sea Of Stars, you can select which questions you get asked from which Question Pack.

There are two modes: Casual or Champion.

Completing all modes on Champion earns you an achievement. Complete all modes on casual will earn you the Flimsy Hammer.

In Champion Mode, you cannot get any questions wrong, whereas in Casual you have up to 3 lives.

Completing a round in the Quiz Master will also earn you some gems that you can sell for gold.

Question Pack # 1 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
When is Valere's Birthday? Winter Solstice
To "use magic without using magic" is to do what, exactly? Use live mana to boost
Without any equipment, how much MP is recovered from a regular attack? 3
What is the name of the spiritual being found at the top of Mountain Trail? Elder Mist
What is the name of Zenith Academy's training Golem? Wyrd
Without any equipment, how much MP does Zale's Sunball cost? 8
On Evermist Island is a secluded village where Children of the Solstice are delivered. What is the name of that village? Mooncradle
True or False: Rochevres can be found in the Forbidden Cavern? False
You are facing an enemy with two blunt locks and two sword locks. Which combo move can get you out of this situation? Solstice Strike
True or False: Boosting regenerates MP. False

Question Pack # 2 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
Of these enemies, which one is NOT present in the Moorlands? Drillbat
What name did Malkomud give his pet salamander? Rockie
True or False: The Molekin from Stonemason's Outpost are descended from a long ling of elemental mages. True
What is the name of the enchanted currency that can control the undead? Coin of Undeath Accord
In the Stonemason's Outpost, the Molekin are taking care of the wind tunnels so that they keep on fulfilling which function? Play music
True or False: Those traveling by yeet ball land on Sleeper Island after being caught by X'tol. True
How many red berries are required to make one portion of Berry Jam? 5
What is the name of the raft the pirate crew used to sail across the Shallowmire? The Oakum Skiff
Of these establishments, which one is NOT found on Sleeper Island? The First Stage Of Grief
Yolande, Valtraid and Keenathan are part of a pirate crew led by whom? Captain Klee'shae

Question Pack # 3 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
Wraith Island was named after a Dweller appeared in the Haunted Mansion. What is that Dweller's name? Dweller Of Woe
What properly timing Garl's Nourish, what is the apple replaced by? Half a sandwich
What is the name of the sorcerer type enemies that can be found in the Necromancer's Lair? Mermofwizqard
Without any equipment, which of these skills costs Serai 9 MP? Phase Shiv
True or False: The First Stage Of Grief was so named because the people of Lucent like to gather in mindful acceptance of their situation. False
What a Gulgul escapes battle, what does it do? Strike a pose in a puff of smoke
True or False: Duke Aventry was resurrected from his ashes by the necromancer Romaya. True
If one were to buy a Scrimshawed Sword, how much gold would they need? 80
In the Cursed Woods, what is the name of the enemy that had to be destroyed to get rid of the vines? Boulbe
How is the tool allowing one to propel themselves to stakes and climbable surfaces called? Graplou

Question Pack # 4 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
True or False: The previous captain of The Vespertine was named Stormcaller. True
True or False: Captain Klee'shae acquired The Vespertine by spending a Coin of Undeath Accord. False
When Garl gave the new town its name, which of these did he pick? Mirth
When playing Wheels, how many heroes is each player allowed? 2
Of the following species, which one can NOT be fished on Sleeper Island? Ghosturgeon
What is the title of Hydralion, the sea monster summoned by Stormcaller for his ultimate attack? Ruler Of Tides
Hortence the Ghost Navigator is famous for her skill with which instrument? Octave Mandolin
What is the name of the spirit who inhabits the Crypt? Cryptwalker
How many potatoes are required to make one portion of Hearty Stew? 3
Without any equipment, how much MP does Valere's Lunar Shield cost? 11

Question Pack # 5 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
In exchange for his help, Resh'an asked Zale and Valere to retrieve something for him. What was this "something"? The Vial Of Time
True or False: Without any equipment, Serai's Venom Flurry and Valere's Moonerang have the same MP cost. False
Who build the giant statue that gave Watcher Island its name? The Fleshmancer
In Docarri Village, what is the little girl collecting in exchange for items? Rainbow Conches
When undergoing the welcoming ritual to visit Docarri Village, where must one go to bathe their seashell? Sacred Grove
Which of these enemies DOES appear in the Jungle Path? Prapra
Torment Peak was visited long ago by another generation of Solstice Warriors. What did they do as they left? Sealed it twice
True or False: The Oracle of Tides' duty is to control the flow of water throughout the world. False
What is the name of the big frog enemy with a throwing star on its back? Garnooy
In a legendary feat of acrobatics, Serai was able to bright the light from the eclipse into the depths of Torment Peak. What caused the eclipse in the first place? The Solstice Amulet

Question Pack # 6 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
Of the following skills, which is the one that can cause enemy displacement? Abeyance
What is the name of Resh'an's healing potion? Petrichor
True or False: Glacial Peak is on Mesa Island. True
If presented with a lock sequence of Poison, Sword, Sword, and Arcane, which pair could remove them all by each performing a potentially boosted regular attack? Resh'an and Zale
Complete the following: "When the moon shines bright on autumn sheaves, comes forth the abomination of-" Roots and leaves
What is the name of the relic that increases the party's Max HP? Amulet of Storytelling
Of the following names, which one is NOT one of Cael's friends? Spring
When playing Wheels, how much energy is generated by matching five squares? 3
Of the following species, which one can NOT be fished on Mesa Island? Fluorescent Piranha
True or False: Of the Three Sisters, Yomara is the evil one. False

Question Pack # 7 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
Who taught Zale to use the combat skill Dash strike? Duke Aventry
Excluding Puntie and The Council, how many Sky Giants are there in Cloud Kingdom? 5
To gain 10% bonus damage versus undead targets, which of these trinkets should one equip? Shimmering Shard
What was the name of the lava monster guarding what is now known as Kiln Mountain? Toadcano
True or False: The only two enemies present in the Air Elemental Skyland are the Sling Rabbit and the Braidzard. True
What is the name of the haute cuisine restaurant found in the Port Town Of Brisk The Golden Pelican
True or False: The Cloud Kingdom is ruled by a king and a queen. False
Of these ingredients, which one is NOT part of the recipe to make a Parfait? Peach
How is Big Buggy's special attack called? Tectonics
What name did Garl give the Sky Serpent formerly known as The Sleeper? Wentworth

Question Pack # 8 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
What is Serai's village called? Repine
Of the following skills, which one costs the LEAST amount of MP? Disorient
True or False: Serai's computer companion is named Cedrick. False
What is the name of Serai and Resh'an's combo attack? Arcane Barrage
Which of these enemies does NOT appear in the Derelict Factory? Ronin Cowboy
Who invented the famous board game Wheels? The Watchmaker
How many units of fish are required to make one portion of Sashimi? 9
Of the following species, which one can NOT be fished on Cerulean Island? Rock Shrimp
True or False: The monstrosity found in The Fleshmancer's Workshop had more than four tentacles. False
In our home world, which entity is in charge of granting access to the Sea Of Stars? The Sky Giants Council

Question Pack # 9 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
True or False: Serai and her people were turned into cyborgs by a machine called The Catalyst True
In Sky Base's final rest area before The Catalyst's room, which of these elements was NOT present? A Window
Which type of object was hidden in plain sight on Es'tristae, the giant statue at the center of the Sancrosanct Spires? A gravity-based battery
At a minimum, how many Combo Points must be spent to fill the ultimate bar? 10
Of these three names, which one was NOT a member of the Triumvirate of Eminence? Retrachter
During his introduction speech, which of the following did The Artificer NOT describe himself as? The smartest there's ever been
Of these items, which one is NOT for sale in Sky Base's Vending Machine? Wireplate Armor
True or False: The Dweller living at the bottom of the Infinite Abyss was called the Dweller Of Dead False
Why did Serai leave her home world? To find Solstice Warriors
What is the name of the Dweller Of Dread's ultimate attack? Dreadstare

Question Pack # 10 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
What did Serai tell the Soul Curator had just occurred as he died? Comeuppance
How much HP is recovered from eating a Gourmet Burger? 175
What was the name given to Erline along with her new form? Elysan'darelle
Of these combo moves, which one costs the least amount of Combo Points? X-Strike
True or False: There is a hidden oasis with treasure chests in the Cerulean Expanse. True
During the vision of the Humble Boast in the Fleshmancer's Lair, what was the name of the employee the innkeeper was looking for? Dubreux
What is the name of the Phase Reaper's ultimate attack? Flourishing Death
What is the meaning behind the enemy with "OAF" as a name? Oops All Feet
What was LeJugg's transition when he went from his first to his second form? From blue to red
True or False: The Fleshmancer's Lair is to the east of the Sacrosanct Spires. True

Question Pack # 11 Questions and Answers

Question Answer
 What number is obtained by putting together the base MP costs of Moonerang and Dash Strike, then subtracting the MP cost of Petrichor? 2
Here in Lucent, which item had to be given to a ghost in order to obtain the key that unlocked the shed? Turbo Cookie
When fighting the Gun Goddess, how many bullets would be fired by "Fan the hammer" if two had previously been destroyed? 4
Which of these areas appeared first in Zale and Valere's adventure? Glacial Peak
When playing Wheels, which of these units deals the most damage to the enemy's bulwark (wall)? Level 2 Warrior
After focusing Aephorul on a diversion, Resh'an placed an anchor in time linked to a magic device he would later place in the Moorlands. What is the device called? The Chronophage
What were the names of three people in charge of the Cerulean Expedition that found the clues which led to The Queen That Was? Joce, Brochu and Elbi
Which of the Fleshmancer's Acolytes gave Duke Aventry the magic shard that would summon the Night Shroud? Two
During the ancient battle between the Molekin mages and the Kunus'nuku zealots, what is the name used to refer to the moment when the Sky Serpent appeared? The Great Summoning
Across all fishing lakes, how many unique species are there to be caught? 23
What was the name of the one in charge of the team that build Es'tristae? T'kor
In his pursuit to achieve the great alchemical feat known as Living Glass, what was the one ingredient Resh'an had always been missing in his subject? Unbreakable will
Content within this article contains copyrighted material of Sabotage Studio. We are not affiliated with Sabotage Studio or Sea Of Stars or its associated retailers in any way.


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