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MapleStory Angelic Buster Skill Build Guide - Remastered Update

June 14, 2024

Angelic Buster is a MapleStory Nova class that has a very fun aesthetic style and was recently remastered to give it a huge power boost. Angelic Buster's hometown is in Grandis called Pantheon, where she is given power from a dragon named Eskalade. With flashy skills and lots of mobility, Angelic Buster is a fun class to play.

Angelic Buster Overview

Angelic Buster was originally released in MapleStory GMS patch V126 - Tempest: Angelic Buster as part of the Nova class group, which also includes Kaiser and Cadena. Angelic Buster is known for it's highly flashy skills and aesthetics, being only able to be a female character. Angelic Buster also has one of the best flash jumps in the game, allowing her to travel across maps in an instant.

Remastered: Angelic Buster was revamped in the V.251 update for MapleStory Go West. With it her skills became much more powerful, more fluid and more fun!

You'll find training the new Angelic Buster very fun in the early levels as you get a passive +2 Attack Speed skill in the first job. Most of the skills you get early on are passive damage increases, allowing you to just mow down mobs without worrying about mechanics. As you move into fourth job, you start getting some useful bossing skills that will become important towards end-game.

Bossing with Angelic Buster can be very rewarding. She has great damage and an even better burst skill to help make short work of bosses. In fifth job they get a 10 second i-frame to help dodge 1-hit KO attacks and in second job you get a damage shield that helps decrease damage to you. She has a party-wide 20% damage buff skill and a extra iframe skill with a 60 second cooldown. Angelic Buster has a bossing skill called Trinity, which has a three-hit animation skill. It is a slow attack- but managing to land all 3 hits on a boss does great damage and gives you a buff.

Check our our MapleStory Training Guide to help find the fastest maps to level up your characters.

  • Weapon: Soul Shooter
  • Job: Pirate
  • Class: Nova
  • Shared Cash Shop Inventory: Cadena, Kasier, Angelic Buster
  • Legion Block: +DEX (10/20/40/80/100)
  • Link Skill: Terms and Conditions (+120% Damage for 10 seconds)
  • Primary Stat: DEX
  • Inner Ability: +1 Attack Speed

Angelic Buster First Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in first job. Follow this build:

  • Star Bubble (+1), Melody Cross (+1), Feather Hop (+1)
  • Feather Hop (MAX)
  • Star Bubble (MAX)
  • Melody Cross (MAX)
  • Affinity Heart (MAX)

In first job, your main attacking skill is Star Bubble, but you want to make sure you add at least one point into Melody Cross for that +2 attack speed.

Feather Hop will allow you to get around quicker, so maxing it early is great for mobility. If you struggle with damage, you can max Star Bubble First.

The other skills offer improved movement speed and jump, plus a bit of extra HP.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Star Bubble Star Bubble Form Eskalade's raw power into bubbles and blow them forward. Main Attacking Skill
Melody Cross Melody Cross Eskalade's power increases your attack speed, HP, and MP. Passive Buff
Feather Hop Feather Hop Leap once while already in the air.\nPress the jump and directional keys together to jump again in that direction. Press the Up key at the same to move upward. Double Jump Skill
Affinity Heart I Affinity Heart I Get closer to Eskalade to draw out strength and make your body lighter. Passive Buff

Angelic Buster Second Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in second job. Follow this build:

  • Lovely Sting (+1), Soul Shooter Mastery (+1), Beautiful Soul (+1)
  • Lovely Sting (MAX)
  • Soul Shooter Mastery (MAX)
  • Beautiful Soul (MAX)
  • Affinity Heart II (MAX)
  • Power Transfer (MAX)
  • Pink Pummel (MAX)

Lovely Sting is your new main attacking skill in second job, hitting up to a massive 8 monsters!

You also get some great damage buffs with Soul Shooter Mastery, Beautiful Soul and Affinity Heart II all adding stats and damage.

Pink Pummel is a rush skill- not very useful if you're powerleveling since Angelic Buster's Jump is so good. Power Transfer reduces the damage you take.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Lovely Sting Lovely Sting Pierce enemies with a beam of pretty power. Main Attacking Skill
Soul Shooter Mastery Soul Shooter Mastery Increases Mastery and Attack Power on Soul Shooter weapons. Passive Buff
Power Transfer Power Transfer Eskalade's protection reduces damage taken by enemies. Passive Buff
Pink Pummel Pink Pummel Rush through enemies and knock them back. Can be resisted by some enemies. Rush Attack Skill
Beautiful Soul Beautiful Soul Find your inner strength to increase Dexterity and Final Damage. Passive Buff
Affinity Heart II Affinity Heart II Bond with Eskalade to increase your combat prowess and resistance to enemy attacks. Passive Buff

Angelic Buster Third Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in third job. Follow this build:

  • Star Crash (+1), Blossoming Star (+1), Dragon Whistle (+1)
  • Affinity Heart III (+1), Center Stage (+1), Love Me Heart (+1)
  • Star Crash (MAX)
  • Blossoming Star (MAX)
  • Dragon Whistle (MAX)
  • Affinity Heart III (MAX)
  • Center Stage (MAX)
  • Love Me Heart (MAX)
  • Soul Seeker (MAX)

In third job, Star Crash is your best mobbing skill. You do get another attacking skill called Soul Seeker, but this is more useful for single target enemies like bosses. You won't be facing too many of them in 3rd job, so max this last.

Apart from that, you just get ton more damage boosting skills. Blossoming Star, Dragon Whistle, Affinity Heart III, Center Stage and Love Me Heart all increase your stats passively.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Soul Seeker Soul Seeker Compress the essence of Eskalade's power, then launch it at the enemy. The essence automatically tracks enemies, prioritizes the boss with the highest Max HP if within range, and is unaffected by attack reflection. Secondary Attack Skill
Center Stage Center Stage Become the center of attention and use the love of the Angelic Buster fan base to increase combat prowess. Passive Buff
Love Me Heart Love Me Heart Become more resistant to external damage with inner peace. Passive Buff
Blossoming Star Blossoming Star Unlock Angelic Buster's true potential. Passive Buff
Star Crash Star Crash Summon down sharp starlight blades to attack enemies. Main Attack Skill
Dragon Whistle Dragon Whistle Endure Eskalade's teasing to enhance your combat prowess. Passive Buff
Affinity Heart III Affinity Heart III Bond with Eskalade access to even more power of his power. Passive Buff

Angelic Buster Fourth Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in fourth job. Follow this build:

  • Celestial Roar (+1), Soul Shooter Expert (+1), Affinity Heart IV (+1)
  • Soul Seeker Expert (+1)
  • Celestial Road (MAX)
  • Soul Shooter Expert (MAX)
  • Affinity Heart IV (MAX)
  • Star Gazer (MAX)
  • Soul Seeker Expert (MAX)
  • Nova Warrior (MAX)
  • Finale Ribbon (MAX)
  • Soul Resonance (MAX)
  • Trinity (MAX)
  • Nova Temperance (MAX)

In 4th job your main mobbing skill is Celestial Roar. Trinity is decent, but Celestial Roar has a bigger hitbox and hits more monsters. Trinity should be used for bossing.

You'll get some more passive damage buffs with Soul Shooter Expert and Affinity Heart IV.

Soul Seeker Expert is a toggle skill that will occaisionally activate as you normally attack, hitting random enemies for you.

Nova Warrior and Star Gazer are two buffs you'll have to cast; put them on your Pet's Auto-buff if you have one.

Finale Ribbon gives a party-wide damage boost and Soul Resonance acts as an Iframe with a 60 second cooldown! Nice!

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Celestial Roar Celestial Roar Send out the soul-shaking wave. Main Attack Skill
Trinity Trinity Release Eskalade's power to attack enemies continuously. Single Target Skill
Star Gazer Star Gazer Harness Eskalade's power to see straight into the souls of enemies. Buff
Soul Shooter Expert Soul Shooter Expert Increases Soul Shooter's Mastery, Attack Power, Final Damage. Passive Buff
Soul Seeker Expert Soul Seeker Expert Grants a chance to automatically create a Soul Seeker upon landing attacking skills (excludes Soul Buster, Soul Seeker, and Superstar Spotlight). Soul Seeker prioritizes the bossĀ  with the highest Max HP if within range. Can be toggled On/Off Toggle Skill
Soul Resonance Soul Resonance Resonate with Eskalade's soul to draw out explosive energy. The energy draws enemies in and deals damage. During the resonance, Eskalade prevents you from taking damage. The invincibility ends when Soul Resonance ends. Enemy attacks cannot knock you back while the skill is being cast. Cooldown Attack Skill
Nova Warrior Nova Warrior Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, President's Orders, Anima Warrior, or Rhinne's Protection. Buff
Nova Temperance Nova Temperance Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to most abnormal status effects for 3 sec after use. Certain abnormal status effects will still get through. Buff
Finale Ribbon Finale Ribbon Twirl a ribbon of love and justice to attack all nearby enemies. Enemies hit take damage over time and increased damage from party members. Cooldown Attack Skill
Affinity Heart IV Affinity Heart IV Discover your bonds to the ancient dragon race to freely control relics. Passive Buff

Angelic Buster Hyper Skill Build

Hyper skills are available at level 140. You get Hyper Skill Points as you level towards 200, but not enough to max all the skills, so choose wisely. These skills mostly help increase the damage of your current skills.

  • Soul Seeker - Reinforce
  • Soul Seeker - Makeup
  • Finale Ribbon - Cooldown Cutter
  • Trinity - Reinforce
  • Trinity - Extra Strike
  • Supreme Supernova
  • Final Contract
  • Pretty Exaltation

Hyper Stats

You also get access to Hyper Stats at level 140, which allows you to put points into many other main stats of your character. For Angelic Buster, you'll want to prioritise:

  • DEX
  • Damage
  • Normal Damage to Monsters
  • Ignore Defence
  • Critical Damage
  • Critical Chance
  • Boss Damage
  • Attack Power & Magic ATT
  • Arcane Power

Arcane Power is useful once you hit past Level 200, so only start adding points once you reach 5th job.

You can reset your Hyper Stats for 10,000,000 Mesos.

Angelic Buster Fifth Job Skill Build

Upon reaching level 200, you will now have access to the V Matrix, which acts as your new fifth job skills. Each class gets their own skills to use, along with boosting nodes to increase the damage of existing skills. To obtain new skills, you open up items called Nodestones, which drop from every mob in Arcane River. You have limited number of slots in your V Matrix, so you want to obtain perfect nodes for maximize your character's damage.

Angelic Buster's Nodes should include:

  • Sparkle Burst
  • Superstar Spotlight
  • Mighty Mascot
  • Trinity Fusion
  • Trio: Trinity, Soul Seeker, Supreme Supernova
  • Trio: Celestial Roar, Soul Resonance, Finale Ribbon

All 5th Job classes should try to also obtain these:

  • Decent Holy Symbol
  • Decent Sharp Eyes
  • Decent Speed Infusion
  • Erda Nova
  • Rope Lift
  • Weapon Aura
  • Might of the Nova
  • Grandis Goddess's Blessing
  • True Arachnid Reflection
  • Overdrive

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Sparkle Burst Sparkle Burst Summon a sparkly orb bursting with power Iframe
Superstar Spotlight Superstar Spotlight A real superstar takes theif spotlights where they go. Enemies, being unworthy of the spotlight, take damage under its rays, while your own abilities are boosted. Cooldown Attack Skill
Mighty Mascot Mighty Mascot Transform Eskalade into a character so cute that he might as well be a magical girl mascot. Summon
Trinity Fusion Trinity Fusion Summon spotlights and dazzle your enemies with your stage presence. Use Trinity with the Down key to activate. This skill can be activated while Trinity is in use as well. Cannot be pushed back when casting, and any damage taken will be reduced. Trinity Fusion is unaffected by attack reflection. Cooldown Attack Skill


14/06/2024 - Angelic Buster Remastered Update

23/03/2021 - First update


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