Arkarium is a boss in MapleStory and in order to face him you need to complete the Silent Crusade questline. There are a lot of quests to complete- but they're all fairly easy to do, so use this guide to keep track of what you need to do!
Arkarium is a daily boss with three modes: Easy and Normal. Many MapleStory players take him on for the rare Dominator Pendant drop that is useful to new players.

Completing the questline also rewards you with the Superior Hunter title which gives the following stats:
Attack Power: +1
Magic Att: +1
All Stats: +3
Max HP and Max MP: +400
Silent Crusade Questline
Level Requirement: Level 140
Time Required: 30 minutes
The Silent Crusade Questline can be started at Level 140. Select the quest: [Silent Crusade] A Cry For Help from the quest notifier window.
You'll be given a Subway Ticket Booth Trans Ticket, which will teleport you to Kerning City Subway Station. Head inside the Subway City Construction Site.

You'll come across Starling NPC. Speak to her and several mobs will be summoned; defeat them to complete the quest. Speak to Starling to complete the quest [Silent Crusade] Chance? Or Fate?
Starling will ask you to find her bag. Enter the Portal in the middle of the Subway train and you'll come to Empty Platform.

Defeat the mob and then return to Starling to complete the quest.
She will give you Relic Excavation Camp Trans Ticket; use it to teleport to the next map.

Speak to Starling at Relic Excavation Camp and start the quest [Silent Crusade] Stranger at the Gate.
Watch the short cutscene and then defeat the mob. You'll return to the Relic Excavation Camp.
Speak to Starling to start the quest [Silent Crusade] Starling's Proposal.

Head to Edelstein and speak to Bastille to complete the quest.
You'll be teleported to Silent Crusade Safe House. Speak to Bastille and start the quest [Silent Crusade] Silent Crusade.
Defeat Coco and speak to Bastille to complete the quest.
Speak to Bastille and start the quest [Silent Crusade] Silent Crusade's Mission.
A lightbulb will appear above your head shortly with the next quest: [Silent Crusade] Leafre in Danger. Accept it and you'll be teleported back to Silent Crusade Safe House.
Speak to Bastille to complete the quest. You'll be teleported to Leafre.

Speak to NPC Crow in Leafre to start the quest: [Silent Crusade] Coiled Skin.
You'll be teleported Hoblin's Hideout. Defeat the mob. After a short cutscene, you'll return back to Leafre. Speak to Crow to start the quest: [Silent Crusade] Where the Snake's Head Is Facing.

You'll be teleported to Temple Of Time; speak to Bastille to complete the quest and then accept the quest [Silent Crusade] A Crack In Time from him.

Head through the portal on the right of Temple Of Time (furthest right). You'll come to find Rhinne (Goddess of Time).
Accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Conspiracy from Rhinne. The quest auto-completes by clicking the icon above your head.
Bastille will appear in the same map. Speak to him and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] To the Past. Enter the giant crack in the same room.

You'll come to Leafre Of Past and find Lora NPC. Speak to her to complete the quest.
Speak to Lora and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Encounter With Lora.

Head two maps to your right to find Starling; speak to her to complete the quest.
Speak to Starling and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Starling's Rescue.
Defeat 30 Corrupted Wyvern and speak to Starling to complete the quest.
Take the map on the right to Leafre In Flames 3 and speak to Maha. Accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Fallen Hero. It auto-completes; speak to him again and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Maha's Request.
Collect 30 Broken Polearm Piece from the mobs in the same map. Speak to Maha to complete the quest.

Head to the next map on your right: Ruins in Flames and speak to Afrien and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Afrien, King of the Onyx Dragons. it auto-completes, speak to Afrien and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] The Last Onyx Dragon.

Head to the portal on right, and then to the next map to find a giant egg. Click it to receive Last Onyx Dragon Egg.
Head back to Afrien and speak to him to complete the quest.
Speak to Afrien to start the quest [Silent Crusade] Ruler of the Elves. Head to the left of the map and click on the fallen soldier to complete the quest.
Speak to Afrien and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Suspicious Energy. Enter the portal on the right and you'll find Bastille there.
Speak to him and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Traces of Arkarium.
Defeat the mob and speak to Bastille to complete the quest.

Keep heading right until you come to the map Leafre In Flames 6; speak to Tamil to complete the quest. Accept the quest [Silent Crusade] To the Temple Of Time.
Defeat 30 Corrupted Skelegon and 30 Corrupted Cornian. Speak to Tamil to complete the quest.
Speak to Tamil and select the option Transform Me Into A Dragon. You'll be teleported to a map; fly to your right to exit. You'll reach Temple Of Time Corridor 1.

Speak to Rhinne and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] Root Of Conspiracy.
Go to the portal on your right and defeat Arkarium.
Speak to Rhinne to complete the quest. Exit the map on your left and speak to Bastille at Temple Of Time Crack In Time. Accept the quest [Silent Crusade] The Last Report.

Speak to Bastille and accept the quest [Silent Crusade] The Coming Storm.
You can now fight Arkarium boss! If you head to the crack mirror you can select the option Dimensional Gate, which will take you to face Akarium.

To complete the quest The Coming Storm you'll need to defeat Akarium in Normal Mode.