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MapleStory Mercedes Skill Build Guide

June 12, 2024

Mercedes is a MapleStory Hero class that wields dual-bowguns, firing arrows at her enemies and chaining cooldown attacks to move around maps in a blitz. Mercedes also offers one of the best link-skills in the game, and so many players play this class to unlock the extra 15% EXP at Level 2. Mercedes can be one of the toughest classes to level due to the many different skills the class has- but mastering them can offer great rewards.

Mercedes Overview

Mercedes was released in patch 104 in GMS and was the second class to be released as part of the Heroes set. One of the main reasons players will often level Mercedes is for the invaluable EXP link skill, which when given to a character gives 10% EXP extra at level 1(70), 15% at level 2(120) and 20% at level 3 (210).

Mercedes is part of the MapleStory Heroes classes, which include: Aran, Evan, Mercedes, Phantom, Luminous and Shade.

If you're looking to main Mercedes, the class is full of cooldown skills. Being able to properly chain them will make playing the class a breeze. She does have great mobility, with a double-jump skill that makes traversing large horizontal maps easy. At early levels, Mercedes does have low HP, but this doesn't become a problem once you hit level 200 and into 5th job.

As a bossing class, Mercedes sits in the middle of the pack. Their damage is not super-strong, but not super-low either. They have a hurricane skill that will pummel enemies, and managing your buff stacks is to key to up-keeping your damage. They can use the 5th job skill Freud's Blessing as an Iframe and they have some really cool 5th job skills that make it fun to play.

Check our our MapleStory Training Guide to help find the fastest maps to level up your characters.

  • Weapon: Dual-Bowguns
  • Job: Bowman
  • Class: Hero
  • Shared Cash Shop Inventory: Heroes: Luminous, Phantom, Aran, Shade, Mercedes
  • Legion Block: Decreases Skill Cooldown (2%/3%/4%/5%/6%)
  • Link Skill: Elven Blessing (Bonus EXP: +20%)
  • Primary Stat: DEX
  • Inner Ability: +1 Attack Speed

Mercedes First Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in first job. Follow this build:

  • Swift Dual Shot (+1), Glide Blast (+1), Potential Power(+1)
  • Glide Blast(6)
  • Swift Dual Shot (MAX)
  • Glide Blast (MAX)
  • Sharp Aim (MAX)
  • Potential Power (MAX)

Swift Dual Shot is your main attacking skill in first job. You'll want to get your Glide Blast up to a high-level for that double-jump mobility. Potential Power also increases your movement too, so if you have a lot of damage from Links and Legion bonuses, it may be worth maxing this first.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Swift Dual Shot Swift Dual Shot Fire arrows at multiple enemies in front of you. Main Attack Skill
Sharp Aim Sharp Aim Permanently increases Critical Rate. Passive Buff
Potential Power Potential Power Activate your hidden powers. Increase movement speed, maximum movement speed, and damage, with a fixed chance of avoiding enemy attacks. Passive Buff
Glide Blast Glide Blast Move forward during a jump by tumbling. Movement distance increases as the skill level increases. Double Jump Skill

Mercedes Second Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in second job. However, I've noticed some builds are missing 1SP. If this happens to you, leave parting shot unmaxed. Follow this build:

  • Piercing Storm (+1), Dual Bowguns Mastery(+2)
  • Dual Bowguns Mastery (5)
  • Dual Bowguns Booster (6)
  • Piercing Storm (MAX)
  • Spirit Surge (MAX)
  • Dual Bowguns Mastery (MAX)
  • Physical Training (MAX)
  • Final Attack: Dual Bowguns (MAX)
  • Dual Bowguns Booster (MAX)
  • Rising Rush (MAX)
  • Parting Shot (MAX)

In second job, you get introduced to Linked Skills (not to be confused with Link Skills). Your Linked Skills are skills that you can chain together to get bonuses, such as extra attacks. In second job, you'll mostly use Piercing Storm, but Rising Rush and Parting Shot can be linked together to form attacks. Make sure to get Dual Bowguns Booster for that extra increase in attack speed, which will allow you to level up faster.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Piercing Storm Piercing Storm Continuously fire arrows containing the power of nature. Arrows can penetrate enemies. Main Attack Skill
Spirit Surge Spirit Surge Increases Damage and Critical Rate. Passive Buff
Rising Rush Rising Rush Pushes back multiple enemies in front of you and launches them into the air. Other skills can be combined with this one for additional damage. Press the down arrow key to launch the enemy in place instead of pushing them back. Can be linked with Parting Shot, Aerial Barrage, and Rolling Moonsault. Can be resisted by some monsters. Linked Skill
Physical Training Physical Training Move forward during a jump by tumbling. Movement distance increases as the skill level increases. Passive Buff
Parting Shot Parting Shot Fires arrows at enemies launched into the air with Rising Rush. Can only be used after Rising Rush. Can be used with basic attack after using Rising Rush. Linked Skill
Final Attack: Dual Bowguns Final Attack: Dual Bowguns Chance to deliver additional hits after a direct attack. Must have Dual Bowguns equipped. Passive Buff
Dual Bowguns Mastery Dual Bowguns Mastery Increases Dual Bowguns Mastery. Passive Buff
Dual Bowguns Boost Dual Bowguns Boost Uses MP to increase the attack speed of your Dual Bowguns by 2 levels for a short time. Attack Speed Buff

Mercedes Third Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in third job. Follow this build:

  • Stunning Strikes (+1), Leap Tornado (+2)
  • Leap Tornado (MAX)
  • Ignis Roar (MAX)
  • Stunning Strikes (MAX)
  • Unicorn Spike (MAX)
  • Aerial Barrage (MAX)
  • Gust Dive (MAX)
  • Water Shield (MAX)
  • Elemental Knights (MAX)

Ignis Roar is your stacking buff. It can be stacked up to 10 Times. You can use Rising Rush to activate it since it has an auto-linked skill. However, you can also use linked skills such as Stunning Strikes + Unicorn Spike. You'll want to use a combination of Leap Tornado, Stunning Strikes and Unicorn Spike to maximise your damage with Ignis Roar buff.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Stunning Strikes Stunning Strikes Quickly fire multiple arrows to the front. Enemies who are hit have a chance to be stunned. Any enemies who are already stunned will take additional damage. Can be used in the air and linked with Rising Rush, Unicorn Spike, Spikes Royale, Lightning Edge, or Wrath of Enlil Level 20 is required to learn Ishtar's Ring and Advanced Stunning Strikes. Linked Skill
Water Shield Water Shield Borrows the power of the spirits to raise a water barrier around you for a short time. The barrier reduces a portion of the damage taken, and increases resistance against abnormal status and all elemental attacks. Buff
Unicorn Spike Unicorn Spike Summons a sacred unicorn to blast through enemies and weaken them for a short time. Weakened enemies take more damage from all attacks. Can be linked with Rising Rush, Stunning Strikes, Spikes Royale, Lightning Edge, or Wrath of Enlil. Using link skills reduces cooldown by 1 sec. Linked Skill
Leap Tornado Leap Tornado Spin in mid-air and fire a hail of arrows all around you. This skill can only be used while in mid-air, and requires 120 or more Jump. Can be linked with Gust Dive, Spikes Royale, or Wrath of Enlil. Level 10 required to learn Spikes Royale. Linked Skill
Ignis Roar Ignis Roar Utilizes the Spirit of Fire's power to increase your Final Damage when using linked skills. Stackable Buff
Gust Dive Gust Dive Uses the power of wind to dive down onto multiple enemies, dealing damage to all of them. Requires 120 or more Jump. Can be linked with Rising Rush, Stunning Strikes, Leaf Tornado, Unicorn Spike, Spikes Royale, Lightning Edge, or Wrath of Enlil. Linked Skill
Elemental Knights Elemental Knights Summons an Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, or Shadow Spirit to aid you in battle. Elemental Knights do not take damage even if they attack enemies with attack reflection.Ice Spirit: Has a chance to freeze enemies.Fire Spirit: Deals continuous fire damage to enemies.Shadow Spirit: Deals increased damage. Summon
Aerial Barrage Aerial Barrage A combo skill used after lifting enemies into the air with Rising Rush. Fly towards airborne enemies, peppering them with swift attacks. Can also be used by pressing the up key and basic attack after using Rising Rush.In addition, permanently increases the damage caused by Rising Rush. Can be linked with Leaf Tornado, Gust Dive, Rolling Moonsault, Spikes Royale, or Wrath of Enlil. Linked Skill

Mercedes Fourth Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in fourth job. Follow this build:

  • Staggering Strikes (+1), Defense Break (+1), Dual Bowguns Expert (+1)
  • Staggering Strike (10)
  • Defense Break (10)
  • Dual Bowguns Expert (10)
  • Spikes Royale (10)
  • Lightning Edge (10)
  • Advanced Final Attack (10)
  • Ancient Warding (10)
  • Staggering Strike (MAX)
  • Defense Break (MAX)
  • Dual Bowguns Expert (MAX)
  • Spikes Royale (MAX)
  • Lightning Edge (MAX)
  • Advanced Final Attack (MAX)
  • Ancient Warding (MAX)
  • Maple Warrior (MAX)
  • Rolling Moonsault (MAX)
  • Ishtar's Ring (MAX)

In fourth job, you get a plethora of new skills. Many of these skills are Mercedes Linked Skills, which require you to chain them to make the most of them. Chaining skills can also decrease the cooldown, so getting a proper rotation nailed down can really help with training. Ishtar's Ring is your main bossing skills, but you won't really need that until level 200, so best to max it last. Ancient Warding and Maple Warrior are your two new buff skills and you get plenty of passive buffs throughout fourth job.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Staggering Strikes Staggering Strikes Enhances the strength of your Stunning Strikes. Passive Buff
Spikes Royale Spikes Royale Jump into the air while raining down legendary spears that deal damage to multiple enemies. Decreases enemy DEF, and makes all attacks critical hits. Also increases damage of Leaf Tornado. The skill can be linked with Leaf Tornado, Gust Dive, Rolling Moonsault, or Wrath of Enlil. Cooldown reduced by 1 sec when a Link skill is used.Required Skill; #cLeaf Tornado Lv. 10# Linked Skill
Rolling Moonsault Rolling Moonsault Spin quickly in the air while attacking enemies. Can also be used by pressing the down key and basic attack key after using Rising Rush. Can be linked with Leaf Tornado, Gust Dive, Spikes Royale, or Wrath of Enlil.In addition, the damage caused by Rising Rush and Aerial Barrage will be permanently increased. Linked Skill
Maple Warrior Maple Warrior Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, Hero of the Flora, President's Orders, Anima Warrior, or Rhinne's Protection. Buff
Lightning Edge Lightning Edge Dashes through multiple enemies. Ignores collision with bosses while attacking and increases Ishtar's Ring damage. Also increases Gust Dive damage. Can be linked with Rising Rush, Stunning Strikes, Unicorn Spike, Spikes Royale, or Wrath of Enlil. Linked Skill
Ishtars Ring Ishtars Ring Borrows the power of Ishtar, a legendary weapon, to rapidly fire arrows at enemies ahead of you. Hold down the skill key to fire arrows continuously. In addition, increases damage from Unicorn Spike permanently.Required Skill: Stunning Strikes Lv. 20 Level 30 required to learn Irkalla's Wrath. Single Target Attack Skill
Heros Will Heros Will Summons an Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, or Shadow Spirit to aid you in battle. Elemental Knights do not take damage even if they attack enemies with attack reflection.Ice Spirit: Has a chance to freeze enemies.Fire Spirit: Deals continuous fire damage to enemies.Shadow Spirit: Deals increased damage. Buff
Dual Bowguns Expert Dual Bowguns Expert Increases Dual Bowguns Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage. Passive Buff
Defense Break Defense Break Ignores defenses and increases final and critical damage. Also applies to bosses, and increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters. Passive Buff
Ancient Warding Ancient Warding Receive the Ancient Spirit's protection for a short time, which increases your Attack Power and HP. Also permanently increases Avoidability for Ignis Roar.Required Skill: Ignis Roar Lv. 5 Buff
Advanced Final Attack Advanced Final Attack Permanently increases Attack Power. Greatly increases the damage and activation rate of your Final Attack. Passive Buff

Mercedes Hyper Skill Build

Hyper skills are available at level 140. You get Hyper Skill Points as you level towards 200, but not enough to max all the skills, so choose wisely. These skills mostly help increase the damage of your current skills.

  • Ishtar's Ring - Reinforce
  • Ishtar's Ring - Guardbreak
  • Ishtar's Ring - Boss Rush
  • Spikes Royale - Reinforce
  • Spikes Royale - Temper Link
  • Elvish Blessing
  • Heroic Memories
  • Wrath of Enlil

Mercedes Fifth Job Skill Build

Upon reaching level 200, you will now have access to the V Matrix, which acts as your new fifth job skills. Each class gets their own skills to use, along with boosting nodes to increase the damage of existing skills. To obtain new skills, you open up items called Nodestones, which drop from every mob in Arcane River. You have limited number of slots in your V Matrix, so you want to obtain perfect nodes for maximize your character's damage.

Mercedes's Nodes should include:

  • Spirit Of Elluel
  • Sylvdia's Flight
  • Irkalla's Wrath
  • Royal Knights
  • Trinode: Ishtar's Ring, Stunning Strikes, Leap Tornado
  • Trinode: Elemental Knights, Spikes Royale, Wrath Of Enlil
  • Trinode: Unicorn Spikes, Lightning Edge, Rising Rush

All 5th Job classes should try to also obtain these:

  • Decent Holy Symbol
  • Decent Sharp Eyes
  • Decent Speed Infusion
  • Erda Nova
  • Rope Lift
  • Weapon Aura
  • Freud's Wisdom
  • Impenetrable Skin
  • Maple World Goddess Blessing

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Spirit Of Elluel Spirit Of Elluel Summon forth the spirits of Elluel to devastate your foes. Unaffected by attack reflection. Afterimage do not activate while using Sylvidia's Flight. Cooldown Attack Skill
Sylvidias Flight Sylvdia's Flight Ride into battle on Sylvidia, the majestic queen of unicorns. Activate once to mount, then again to perform a dash attack. Activate the skill while pressing Up to attack upward. The dash attack can be used from the air, and can be performed with the Jump key. You receive Ignis Roar at mac stacks while riding Sylvidia. Cooldown Attack Skill
Irkallas Wrath Irkalla's Wrath Deal deadly consecutive attacks against your enemies, so they can experience the full wrath of the spirits. Cooldown Attack Skill
Royal Knights Royal Knights Summon the honorable Royal Knights, who protect the Ruler of the Elves. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection Summon


04/022021 - First update


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