Reach Nameless Legion Rank I |
500 |
Reach Nameless Legion Rank IV |
500 |
Reach Renowned Legion Rank I |
500 |
Reach Renowned Legion Rank III |
1000 |
Reach Renowned Legion Rank V |
1000 |
Reach Heroic Legion Rank II |
1000 |
Reach Heroic Legion Rank IV |
1000 |
Reach Legendary Legion Rank I |
1000 |
Reach Legendary Legion Rank III |
1000 |
Reach Legendary Legion Rank V |
2000 |
Reach Supreme Legion Rank II |
2000 |
Reach Supreme Legion Rank iV |
2000 |
Complete Vanishing Journey Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Reverse City Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Chu Chu Island Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Yum Yum Island Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Lachelein Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Arcana Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Morass Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Esfera Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Sellas Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Moonbridge Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Labyrinth of Suffering Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Limina Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Cernium Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Hotel Arcus Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Odium Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Shangri-La Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Arteria Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Carcion Area Quest |
500 |
Complete Ellinel Fairy Academy Quest |
500 |
Complete Gold Beach Quest |
500 |
Complete Riena Strait Quest |
500 |
Complete Secret Forest of Elodin Quest |
500 |
Complete Mushroom Castle Quest |
500 |
Complete Sleepywood Quest |
500 |
Complete Orbis Quest |
500 |
Complete Aqua Road Quest |
500 |
Complete Verne Mine Quest |
500 |
Complete Ariant Quest |
500 |
Complete Magatia's Secret Quest |
500 |
Complete Ellin Forest Quest |
500 |
Complete Leafre Quest |
500 |
Complete Heliseum Quest |
500 |
Complete Ludibrium Quest |
500 |
Complete Lion King's Castle Quest |
500 |
Complete Fantasy Theme World Quest |
500 |
Complete Korean Folk Town Quest |
500 |
Complete Crimsonheart Quest |
500 |
Complete Golden Temple Quest |
500 |
Complete Partem Ruins Quest |
500 |
Complete Temple of Time Quest |
500 |
Complete Kerning Tower Quest |
500 |
Complete Stone Colossus Quest |
500 |
Complete Henesys Ruins Quest |
500 |
Complete Omega Sector Quest |
500 |
Complete Kritias Quest |
500 |
Complete Detective Rave's Case Notes Quest |
500 |
Complete Twilight Perion Quest |
500 |
Complete Fox Valley Quest |
500 |
Complete Haven Quest |
500 |
Complete Deserted Camp Quest |
500 |
Complete Explorer Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Blast Master Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Pathfinder Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Cygnus Knights Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Mihile Story Quest |
500 |
Complete The Resistance Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Demon Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Xenon Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Mercedes Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Aran Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Phantom Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Luminous Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Evan Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Shade Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Kaiser Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Angelic Buster Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Cadena Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Kain Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Ark Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Illium Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Adele Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Khali Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Kinesis Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Zero Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Hoyoung Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Lara Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Black Haven Act 1 |
500 |
Complete Black Haven Act 2 |
500 |
Complete Black Haven Act 3 |
500 |
Complete Black Haven Act 4 |
500 |
Complete Black Haven Act 5 |
500 |
Complete Black Haven Act 6 |
500 |
Complete Heroes of Maple Act 1 |
500 |
Complete Heroes of Maple Act 1.5 |
500 |
Complete Heroes of Maple Act 2 |
500 |
Complete Heroes of Maple Act 3 |
500 |
Complete Heroes of Maple Act 4 |
500 |
Complete FriendStory Episode 1 |
500 |
Complete FriendStory Episode 2 |
500 |
Complete FriendStory Episode 3 |
500 |
Complete FriendStory Episode 4 |
500 |
Complete FriendStory Episode 5 |
500 |
Complete FriendStory Episode 6 |
500 |
Complete Grand Athenaeum Episode I |
500 |
Complete Grand Athenaeum Episode II |
500 |
Complete Grand Athenaeum Episode III |
500 |
Complete Grand Athenaeum Episode IV |
500 |
Complete Grand Athenaeum Episode V |
500 |
Complete Grand Athenaeum Episode VI |
500 |
Complete Grand Athenaeum Episode VII |
500 |
Defeat Easy Cygnus for the first time. |
200 |
Defeat Hard Hilla for the first time. |
200 |
Defeat Chaos Pink Bean for the first time. |
200 |
Defeat Normal Cygnus for the first time. |
300 |
Defeat Chaos Zakum for the first time. |
300 |
Defeat Chaos Pierre for the first time. |
360 |
Defeat Chaos Von Bon for the first time. |
360 |
Defeat Chaos Crimson Queen for the first time. |
360 |
Defeat Hard Magnus for the first time. |
400 |
Defeat Chaos Vellum for the first time. |
400 |
Defeat Chaos Papulatus for the first time. |
400 |
Defeat Normal Lotus for the first time. |
500 |
Defeat Normal Damien for the first time. |
500 |
Defeat Normal Guardian Angel Slime for the first time. |
500 |
Defeat Easy Lucid for the first time. |
600 |
Defeat Easy Will for the first time. |
600 |
Defeat Normal Lucid for the first time. |
800 |
Defeat Normal Will for the first time. |
800 |
Defeat Normal Gloom for the first time. |
1000 |
Defeat Normal Darknell for the first time. |
1000 |
Defeat Hard Damien for the first time. |
1400 |
Defeat Hard Lotus for the first time. |
1400 |
Defeat Hard Lucid for the first time. |
1600 |
Defeat Hard Will for the first time. |
1600 |
Defeat Normal Versus Hilla for the first time. |
1600 |
Defeat Chaos Guardian Angel Slime for the first time. |
1800 |
Defeat Chaos Gloom for the first time. |
1800 |
Defeat Hard Darknell for the first time. |
2000 |
Defeat Hard Versus Hilla for the first time. |
2000 |
Defeat Normal Seren for the first time. |
2400 |
Defeat Hard Black Mage for the first time. |
3000 |
Defeat Easy Kalos the Guardian for the first time |
2800 |
Defeat Easy Kaling for the first time |
3000 |
Defeat Hard Seren for the first time |
3000 |
Defeat Normal Kalos the Guardian for the first time |
3600 |
Defeat Normal Kaling for the first time |
4000 |
Defeat Chaos Kalos the Guardian for the first time |
6000 |
Defeat Extreme Black Mage for the first time |
7000 |
Defeat Hard Kaling for the first time |
7000 |
Defeat Extreme Seren for the first time |
7000 |
Defeat Extreme Kalos the Guardian for the first time |
8000 |
Defeat Extreme Kaling for the first time |
8000 |
Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey Gain 20 Levels |
500 |
Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island Gain 20 Levels |
500 |
Arcane Symbol: Lachelein Gain 20 Levels |
500 |
Arcane Symbol: Arcana Gain 20 Levels |
500 |
Arcane Symbol: Morass Gain 20 Levels |
500 |
Arcane Symbol: Esfera Gain 20 Levels |
500 |
Sacred Symbol: Cernium Gain 11 Levels |
1000 |
Sacred Symbol: Arcus Gain 11 Levels |
1000 |
Sacred Symbol: Odium Gain 11 Levels |
1000 |
Sacred Symbol: Shangri-La Gain 11 Levels |
1000 |
Sacred Symbol: Arteria Gain 11 Levels |
1000 |
Sacred Symbol: Carcion Gain 11 Levels |
1000 |
Complete [What the Black Mage Left Behind] |
500 |
Complete [Traces of Von Leon the Lion King] |
500 |
Complete [Traces of Arkarium the Guardian] |
500 |
Complete [Traces of Tyrant Magnus] |
500 |
Complete [Traces of Lotus, the Wing Master] |
1000 |
Complete [Traces of Damien, the Sword of Destruction] |
1000 |
Complete [Traces of Will, the King of Spiders] |
1000 |
Complete [Traces of Lucid, Keeper of Nightmares] |
1000 |
Complete [Traces of Versus Hilla the Red Witch] |
2000 |
Clear Undersea Tower 10th Floor |
500 |
Clear Undersea Tower 20th Floor |
500 |
Clear Undersea Tower 30th Floor |
1000 |
Clear Undersea Tower 40th Floor |
1000 |
Clear Undersea Tower 50th Floor |
2000 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 10th Floor |
500 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 20th Floor |
500 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 30th Floor |
500 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 40th Floor |
500 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 50th Floor |
1000 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 60th Floor |
1000 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 70th Floor |
1000 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 80th Floor |
1000 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 90th Floor |
1000 |
Clear Mu Lung Dojo 100th Floor |
2000 |
Acquire [Detective] Title |
1000 |
Acquire [Mission Possible] Title |
1000 |
Complete [I <3 Orchid] Quest |
1000 |
Obtain the [Seven Day Monster Parker] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Party Quest Legendary Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Tristan's Successor] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Veteran Hunter] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Celebrity!] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Beginner Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Sleepywood Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [El Nath Mts. Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Ludus Lake Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Undersea Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Mu Lung Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Nihal Desert Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Minar Forest Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Victoria Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Ossyria Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Maple Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [The One Who's Touched the Sky Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Spirit Diviner] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Spirit Walker] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Soul Guardian] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Saint Exorcist] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Diligent Explorer] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Lovely Pet Owner] Medal |
500 |
Obtain the [Victoria Monster Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Victoria Monster Master] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Island Explorer] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Edelstein Monster Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [El Nath Monster Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Ludibrium's Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Deep Sea Monster Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Nihal's Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Mu Lung Garden Monster Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Minar Forest Monster Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Temple's Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Otherworld's Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Arcane River Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Obtain the [Collector of Friends Monster Collector] Medal |
1000 |
Monster Collection x200 |
500 |
Monster Collection x400 |
500 |
Monster Collection x600 |
1000 |
Monster Collection x800 |
1000 |
Monster Collection x1,000 |
2000 |
Monster Collection x1,200 |
2000 |
Complete The Pink Anthurium Quest |
500 |
Complete The Double-Rooted Red Ginseng Quest |
1000 |
Complete John's Pink Flower Basket Quest |
500 |
Complete John's Present Quest |
500 |
Complete John's Last Present Quest |
1000 |
Complete Shumi's Lost Coin Quest |
500 |
Complete Shumi's Lost Roll of Cash Quest |
500 |
Complete Shumi's Lost Sack of Cash Quest |
1000 |
Complete High Mountain Quest |
500 |
Complete Mushroom Shrine Tales |
500 |
Complete Hiezan Temple |
500 |
Complete Sengoku Returns |
500 |
Defeat Princess No for the first time. |
360 |
Defeat Normal Mitsuhide for the first time |
500 |
Complete Hayato Story Quest |
500 |
Complete Kanna Story Quest |
500 |