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MapleStory Evan Skill Build Guide

June 12, 2024

Evan is a class in MapleStory that battles alongside their pet dragon called Mir. Evan provides one of the most useful Link Skills in the game called Rune Persistance, allowing for longer duration when using EXP boosting Runes! Evan is a mage from the Heroes set of characters and utilizes attacks from Mir, which will grow bigger and bigger as you progress towards fourth job.

Evan Overview

Evan is part of the Maple Heroes group of characters and was the second of six characters to be released. Evan was first released in June 2010 and were a very different class to compared to what they are now. The Heroes Of Maple update changed their gameplay such that Evan is now more prominent in attacking instead of relying just on their dragon Mir.

Evan is part of the MapleStory Heroes classes, which include: Aran, Evan, Mercedes, Phantom, Luminous and Shade.

Evan has decent mobbing skills and whilst their damage might not be the highest, they certainly can hold their own when they reach fifth job. Evan plays well by micro-managing your dragon Mir, making sure to use the Fusion Skills for mobbing helps with map control. The class is very rewarding once you get the hang on remembering to use your skills.

As a bossing class, Evan has gotten better overtime. Their skills were recently improved to remove skill cast time, making the class more fluid. Evans can make use of the fifth job skill Ethereal Form for an I-frame to help counter 1-hit KO attacks. A funded Evan class can do very well at bossing with new 5th job skills, using a multitude of different skills if you like classes that don't just spam one button.

Check our our MapleStory Training Guide to help find the fastest maps to level up your characters.

  • Weapon: Wand/Staff
  • Job: Mage
  • Class: Hero
  • Shared Cash Shop Inventory: Heroes: Luminous, Phantom, Aran, Shade, Mercedes
  • Legion Block: 70% chance to recover MP when attacking (2%/4%/6%/8%/10%)
  • Link Skill: Rune Persistance (+70% Rune Duration)
  • Primary Stat: INT
  • Inner Ability: +1 Attack Speed

Evan First Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in first job. Follow this build:

  • Mana Burst I (+1), Teleport (+2)
  • Teleport (6)
  • Mana Burst I (MAX)
  • Dragon Spark (MAX)
  • Magic Link (MAX)
  • Dragon Soul (MAX)
  • Magic Guard (MAX)
  • Teleport (MAX)

First job is relatively simple for Evan. Just spam Mana Burst I around maps and teleport for mobility. You can also use Dragon Spark, which allows Mir to attack periodically. Magic Guard will protect your HP by absorbing damage into MP.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Mana Burst I Mana Burst I Two bursts of mana attack enemies in front. As you job advance, this skill improves, up to Mana Burst IV. Main Attack Skill
Teleport Teleport Allows you to teleport a set distance to other locations on the same map using the arrow keys. Teleport Skill
Magic Link Magic Link Shares Mir's magic, raising Evan's Magic ATT. Passive Buff
Magic Guard Magic Guard A portion of the damage dealt to you affects your MP instead of your HP. Does not apply to attacks that do a certain percentage of your max HP.Activated automatically when you have at least 1 MP, and is ineffective when you have 0 MP. Can be toggled On/Off with the skill key. Buff
Dragon Spark Dragon Spark Whenever Evan attacks, Mir might attack, too. Passive Buff
Dragon Soul Dragon Soul Your dragon contract increases your Defense and Speed. Passive Buff

Evan Second Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in first job. Follow this build:

  • Mana Burst II (+1), Magic Booster (+2)
  • Magic Booster (8)
  • Dragon Flash (+1), Wind Circle (+1), Wind Flash (+1)
  • Mana Burst II (MAX)
  • Wind Circle (MAX)
  • Dragon Flash (MAX)
  • Wind Flash (MAX)
  • Spell Mastery (MAX)
  • High Wisdom (MAX)
  • Return Flash (MAX)
  • Magic Booster (MAX)
  • Support Jump (MAX)

In second job, you get introduced to Fusion Skills. Your Fusion Skill is called Wind Flash, which activates when you use both Wind Circle and Dragon Flash at the same time. Wind Flash will fire off projectiles all around you when activated. You can use Wind Circle and Mana Burst II during the cooldown of Dragon Flash (8 seconds). Use Return Flash for debuffing enemies (rarely used) and Magic Booster for increasing your Attack Speed.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Mana Burst II Mana Burst II Three bursts of mana attack enemies in front. As you job advance, this skill improves, up to Mana Burst IV Main Attack Skill
Wind Flash Wind Flash [Fusion Skill] Sharp blades of wind blast enemies when Mir's Dragon Flash melds with Evan's magic. Wind Flash advances alongside Dragon Flash. You won't take damage when this skill targets enemies with attack reflection. Activates when Evan uses Wind Circle while Mir is using Dragon Flash. Fusion Skill
Wind Circle Wind Circle Launches a gust of wind to push enemies aside and deal damage. Can be resisted by some monsters Main Attack Skill
Support Jump Support Jump Evan uses air currents made by Mir's flapping wings to jump once more. Press the jump button and the up direction key while jumping to jump higher. Passive Buff
Spell Mastery Spell Mastery Increases Magic Mastery, Magic ATT, and Critical Rate. Passive Buff
Return Flash Return Flash [Fusion Skill] Mir immediately stops attacking and returns to Evan, cursing nearby enemies to take more damage.This skill advances alongside Dragon Flash.Activates when Evan uses [Return] while Mir is using Dragon Flash, Wind Flash, Thunder Flash. Fusion Skill
Magic Booster Magic Booster Increases Evan's Magic Attack Speed for a short time. Buff
High Wisdom High Wisdom Your mental discipline permanently increase your INT. Passive Buff
Dragon Flash Dragon Flash [Mir Skill] Mir flashes between enemies, attacking all in his way. If this skill hits an enemy with attack reflection, you won't take damage. Mir Skill

Evan Third Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in third job. Follow this build:

  • Mana Burst III (+1), Thunder Circle (+1), Dragon Dive (+1)
  • Thunder Flash (+1), Return Drive (+1)
  • Thunder Circle (MAX)
  • Mana Burst III (MAX)
  • Thunder Flash (MAX)
  • Dragon Dive (MAX)
  • Critical Magic (MAX)
  • Magic Amplification (MAX)
  • Dragon Potential (MAX)
  • Thunder Dive (MAX)
  • Elemental Decrease (MAX)
  • Magic Debris (MAX)
  • Magic Resistance (MAX)
  • Return Drive (MAX)

In third job you get some more useful Fusion Skills and a better circle skill called Thunder Circle, which has a really good hitbox for multiple platforms. You also get the best Return skill in third job, which increases your Attack Speed when used for 60 seconds. You can use either Thunder Flash or Thunder Dive for your Fusion skill; both are pretty good. Magic Debris allows you to summon magical elements that are created when you attack; they fly towards mobs when you use the skill.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Mana Burst III Mana Burst III Four bursts of mana attack enemies in front. As you job advance, this skill improves up to Mana Burst IV. Main Attack Skill
Thunder Flash Thunder Flash [Fusion Skill] Five pentacles of thunder appear and crash into enemies when Mir's Dragon Flash melds with Evan's magic. Thunder Flash advances alongside Dragon Flash. You won't take damage when this skill targets enemies with attack reflection. Fusion Skill
Thunder Dive Thunder Dive [Fusion Skill] Generates powerful orbs of electricity when Mir's Dragon Dive melds with Evan's magic. Thunder Dive advances alongside Dragon Dive. You won't take damage when this skill targets enemies with attack reflection. Fusion Skill
Thunder Circle Thunder Circle Creates a pentacle of thunder to decimate enemies nearby. Main Attack Skill
Return Dive Return Dive [Fusion Skill] Mir immediately stops attacking and returns to Evan, buffing you and all party members Attack Speed by 1. Fusion Skill
Magic Resistance Magic Resistance Increases the MP cost and the Magic Attack of your magic skills. Passive Buff
Magic Debris Magic Debris Magic Debris forms around enemies hit by fusion skills. Activate the debris to damage enemies around Evan. The damage is proportional to the amount of debris activated at once. Secondary attack skill
Magic Amplification Magic Amplification Increases your Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance. Passive Buff
Elemental Decrease Elemental Decrease Temporarily decreased Elemental Resistance to all of your attacks. Also permanently increases final damage. Buff
Dragon Potential Dragon Potential Draws out Mir's potential and reveals his hidden abilities. Passive Buff
Dragon Dive Dragon Dive [Mir Skill] Mir dives in front of Evan, creating shockwaves with the beating of his wings. You won't take damage when this skill targets enemies with attack reflection. [Mir Skill]
Critical Magic Critical Magic Increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage. Passive Buff

Evan Fourth Job Skill Build

You can max all of your skills in third job. Follow this build:

  • Mana Burst IV (+1), Earth Circle (+1), Dragon Breath (+1)
  • Earth Breath (+1)
  • Earth Circle (10)
  • Dragon Breath (10)
  • Mana Burst IV (10)
  • Earth Breath (10)
  • Magic Mastery (10)
  • Earth Circle (MAX)
  • Dragon Breath (MAX)
  • Mana Burst IV( MAX)
  • Earth Breath (MAX)
  • Dragon Fury (MAX)
  • Blessing of the Onyx (MAX)
  • Maple Warrior (MAX)
  • Magic Mastery (MAX)
  • Wind Breath (MAX)
  • Earth Dive (MAX)
  • Return Flame (MAX)
  • Dark Fog (MAX)
  • Onyx Will (MAX)
  • High Dragon Potential (MAX)
  • Hero's Will (MAX)

Earth Circle is your new mobbing skill and it helps a lot as it can hit multiple platforms and hits very hard. Mir's new dragon skill is called Dragon Breath, which fires out a huge blast of fire. Earth Breath is the better of the Fusion Skills to use (just cast Earth Circle + Dragon Breath to activate it). Dark Fog is a full map attack that reduces the cooldown of Magic Debris. You also get many buffs in fourth job, with Blessing of the Onyx, Maple Warrior, Magic Mastery and High Dragon Potential.

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Mana Burst IV Mana Burst IV Four bursts of highly condensed mana attack enemies in front, twice in a row. This is the final version of Mana Burst. Main Attack Skill
Wind Breath Wind Breath [Fusion Skill] Mir breaths out a storm of flames that deal a tremendous amount of damage when his Dragon Breath melds with Evan's magic. Wind Breath advances alongside Dragon Breath. You won't take damage when this skill targets enemies with attack reflection. Fusion Skill
Return Flame Return Flame [Fusion Skill] Mir immediately stops attacking and returns to Evan, scorching enemies in a curtain of flame. This skill advances alongside Dragon Breath. Fusion Skill
Onyx Will Onyx Will Grows your camaraderie and your physical capabilities. Reduces damage taken and grants additional knockback resistance to Evan while Mir is attacking. Buff
Magic Mastery Magic Mastery Enhances Magic Mastery, Magic Attack, and Minimum Critical Damage. Passive Buff
High Dragon Potential High Dragon Potential Fully draws out Mir's potential and reveals his hidden abilities Passive Buff
Enhanced Magic Debris Enhanced Magic Debris Forms enhanced magic debris around enemies struck by fusion skills. Activate the debris to deal damage to enemies around Evan. The damage is proportional to the amount of debris activated at once. Passive Buff
Earth Dive Earth Dive [Fusion Skill] Smashes a boulder into enemies in front when Mir's Dragon Dive melds with Evan's magic. Earth Dive advances alongside Dragon Dive. You won't take damage when this skill targets enemies with attack reflection. Fusion Skill
Earth Circle Earth Circle Forms an irregular pentacle that raises the ground and damages enemies Main Attack Skill
Earth Breath Earth Breath [Fusion Skill] Mir breathes out flames that homes in on enemies when his Dragon Breath melds with Evan's magic. Earth Breath advances alongside Dragon Breath. You won't take damage when this skill targets enemies with attack reflection Fusion Skill
Dragon Fury Dragon Fury When your MP is within a certain range, the focus of the Dragon strengthens and your Magic Attack increases. This effect disappears once your MP is out of that range. Passive Buff
Dragon breath Dragon breath [Mir Skill] Releases a fiery breath that scorches enemies in front. Not affected by attack reflection. Skill damage increases from the Dragon Breath passive trump the damage increases of Dragon Dive. Mir Skill
Dark Fog Dark Fog A dark, cold fog descends, attacking multiple enemies at once. Applies additional Critical Rate. Magic Debris's damage increases while Dark Fog is on cooldown. Cooldown Attack Skill
Blessing Of The Onyx Blessing Of The Onyx Increases Defense and Magic Attack. Does not stack with Photic Meditation. Buff
Maple Warrior Maple Warrior
Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, Hero of the Flora, President's Orders, Anima Warrior, or Rhinne's Protection.
Hero's Will Hero's Will Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to Abnormal Status for 3 sec after use. Buff

Evan Hyper Skill Build

Hyper skills are available at level 140. You get Hyper Skill Points as you level towards 200, but not enough to max all the skills, so choose wisely. These skills mostly help increase the damage of your current skills.

  • Speedy Dragon Flash
  • Speedy Dragon Dive
  • Earth-Shattering Dive
  • Speedy Dragon Breath
  • Wind Breath - Opportunity
  • Dragon Master
  • Heroic Memories
  • Summon Onyx Dragon

Evan Fifth Job Skill Build

Upon reaching level 200, you will now have access to the V Matrix, which acts as your new fifth job skills. Each class gets their own skills to use, along with boosting nodes to increase the damage of existing skills. To obtain new skills, you open up items called Nodestones, which drop from every mob in Arcane River. You have limited number of slots in your V Matrix, so you want to obtain perfect nodes for maximize your character's damage.

Evan's Nodes should include:

  • Elemental Barrage
  • Dragon Slam
  • Wyrmking's Breath
  • Ludicrous Speed
  • Elemental Radiance
  • Spiral Of Mana
  • Trinode: Thunder Circle, Wind Circle, Earth Circle
  • Trinode: Dragon Spark, Magic Debris, Mana Burst IV
  • Trinode: Dragon Breath, Dragon Flash, Dragon Dive

All 5th Job classes should try to also obtain these:

  • Decent Holy Symbol
  • Decent Sharp Eyes
  • Decent Speed Infusion
  • Erda Nova
  • Rope Lift
  • Ethereal Form
  • Freud's Wisdom
  • Mana Overload

Skill Description & Overview

Icon Skill Description Type
Elemental Barrage Elemental Barrage Utilizes powerful elemental magic for rapid attacks. You'll get new powers for a short time after each attack. Cooldown Attack Skill
Dragon Slam Dragon Slam [Mir Skill] Mir Slams down and savagely attacks the enemy. Cooldown Attack Skill
Wyrmkings Breath Wyrmking's Breath [Fusion Skill] Evan infuses Mir with his magic during Dragon Slam, causing Mir to briefly grow and release a blast of elemental energy. The skill advances alongside Dragon Slam. Cooldown Attack Skill
Ludicrous Speed Ludicrous Speed [Fusion Skill] Mir immediately stops attacking and teleports to Evan, creating a vortex that deals damage to nearby enemies. This skill advances alongside Dragon Slam. Cooldown Attack Skill
Elemental Radiance Elemental Radiance Cast a magical circle to channel the power of the constellations. Magic ATT starts to charge the magic circle when Evan's magic (excluding Spiral of Mana), hits a target, culminating when Magic ATT is full. Burst Attack Skill
Spiral Of Mana Spiral Of Mana Utilize the Mana Burst's pentacle to allow clusters of mana to swirl with the speed of a tornado on their own. Can be activated by pressing the down key and using Mana Burst again after 1 hit while Mana Burst IV is in use. There can be only 1 Spiral of Mana. When active, using Mana Burst IV temporarily reduces the number of attacks of Spiral of Mana. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Cooldown Attack Skill


14/01/2021 - First update


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you forgot to put Enhanced Magic Debris on the 4th job skill build list every other skill there i was wondering did i some how miss that skill but nope just not the skill build list XD
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it could be a bit useful if your crit rate is not at 100%, but if is already on just forget it or give priority to other thing like triade skil
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Aleph - Editor In Chief

Aleph is the main writer and programmer of DigitalTQ. His aim is to provide quality gaming guides, articles and news from the video game industry. We've been playing games since the 90s and are always on the lookout for new gems to play.


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