MapleStory GMS has just released their latest Maple Memo which includes the GMS Roadmap for 2023 and high-level players will be excited to see that the Odium area is planned for release during January 2023.
Odium is the latest high-level area for MapleStory Players that are level 275+ and have completed the Hotel Arcus questlines. Players will be able to navigate a whole host of new maps, including new mobs and Elite Mobs, brand new storyline and more dailies for players to complete. No new boss this time around however!

Odium was released in the Summer update in KMS, as part of a three-patch update alongside the MapleStory Cygnus Remastered Update.
Beyond Karote, The Unending Tower, lies Odium, a building full of untouched mysteries behind its locked doors. No one knows who built it or with what purpose, and it’s a mystery as to what is happening within... Uncover the secrets as you make your way into Odium in this new content for players Lv. 275 and up!
If new end-game bosses is what you're after, not to worry as it was also announced that Extreme Boss Mode will be added in January also. The Extreme Boss Mode will be available for Seren and The Black Mage bosses. Similar to Chaos and Hard boss modes, the bosses will have higher amounts of HP and do more damage than their normal versions.
There will also be some tweaked mechanics to make end-game players enjoy a new challenge.
The rewards for clearing these bosses are not much different from clearing their normal counterparts- but this may change in future updates.
Cube Revamp

Probably the biggest news coming out of the Maple Memo for GMS players is the new Cubes that are going to be introduced in February 2023.
MapleStory GMS is going to be removing the old cubes in game and replacing them with brand new versions. Say goodbye to your Red and Black cubes and introducing new Solid and Glowing Cubes.
There is actually quite a lot of different cubes being introduced:
- Mystical Cubes: Obtained in-game. Can be used on Rare to Epic items.
- Bonus Mystical Cubes: Obtained in-game. Can be used on items up to Rare tier.
- Hard Cubes: Obtained in-game. Can be used on Rare to Unique items. There is a chance of double rank up if used on Rare items.
- Solid Cubes: Obtained in-game. Can be used on Rare to Legendary items. There is a chance of double rank up if used on Rare items.
- Glowing Cubes: Can be purchased from Cash Shop. Can be used on Rare to Legendary items, with a chance for a double rank-up.
- Bright Cubes: Can be purchased from Cash Shop. Can be used on Rare to Legendary items, with a chance for double rank-up and the option to choose before or after Potential lines.
- Bonus Glowing Cubes: Can be purchased from Cash Shop. Can be used on Rare to Legendary items, with a chance for double rank-up.
- Bonus Bright Cubes: Can be purchased from Cash Shop event sales. Can be used on Rare to Legendary items, with a chance for double rank-up and the option to choose before or after Potential lines.
- Karma Solid Cubes: Obtained through in-game events. Can be used on Rare to Legendary untradeable items.
- Karma Hard Cubes: Obtained through in-game events. Can be used on Rare to Unique untradeable items.
- Karma Bonus Mysterious Glowing Cubes: Obtained in-game. Can be used on Rare untradeable items.
Many players see this as Nexon introducing KMS Cube Rates, which are notoriously more difficult to rank up than the GMS versions. We'll have to wait and see whether this turns out to be true.
MapleStory GMS has been steadily transitioning to KMS version for a while. They have recently removed all Spawn Enhancers from the game, something that was unique to the GMS region and allowed players to level up faster and gain more Mesos.
It's not all bad though; players can look forward to a Double Miracle Time event in December 17-18th 2022! So start saving up for your Cubes and get your items to Legendary!
Double Miracle Time is a special event that happens a few times a year that allows players to cube their items with increased tier-up rates and the chance of double-tier ups also.